Part 20- Jeff Gets a Hint

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Jeff's POV

I go to one of the only stores I know where most items are.. Wal-Mart. I walk around for quite sometime, that is however until I'm pulled of to side into an employee's only area.

"You really aren't smart are you?" Says a female voice. "I'll give you a hint" she says again.

"Um...?" I start.

"You don't need to know me right now. All you need to know Jeffrey, is that the girl you've been with isn't actually your girlfriend. " The woman  tells. "Here's your hint, Zalgo's got her. And if you don't get to her before he realizes today's her birthday he is going to force her to marry him." With that she shoves me out of the door. I decide against staying here and leave.

Back at the mansion I run for Slender's office. I barge in and Slender doesn't bother looking up.

"Ah, so I figure she found you?" He asks.

"Yes. But who exactly is she?" I question.

"Unimportant until stated otherwise. The important part is what you now know. (Y/N) has been taken by Zalgo."


I'm already awake when Zalgo brings in 'breakfast' _ a piece of stale bread. I'm still mad at him and hope the hell I got a hold of Slendy last night.

"Look, I know you're angry. I just wanted to tell you that I'd let you walk around a bit... As long as you wear this." Zalgo produces a collar looking device. "It goes on your ankle and allows me to see where you are at any given time. If you so happen to visit a restricted area or were to tamper with it.. Let's just say I'd advise against it." He tells me. I think about it.. Freedom at what cost? Hope I don't stumble upon a restricted area.

"Fine" I say and let a leg to his awaiting hand. The shackle is gold with intricate purple and red pattern zig-zagging all around it. It opens when pressed to my ankle and snaps shut with a hiss.

"There. You can now walk within the mansion. Trust me, I believe you will find it much to your liking." Zalgo then walks out of the room.

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