Chapter Three

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As Vanessa went over the events that took place that night, she couldn't help but feel the tingle from earlier when Peter's hand brushed against hers as they were walking down the sidewalk, listening to Ned talk about what Ned usually discussed. She wanted her confidence to spark and for her hand to reach out and grab his, but this was all too sudden. She hated how fast her crush on Peter had caught on.

Tony called up to Vanessa, warning her to turn the lights off before he did it himself. It was a school night, and he wanted her well-rested for her first day at a new high school. He was goddamn lucky he was who he was, being able to get her into the same classes as Peter and/or Ned, wanting her niece to have the best experience with him for the less than two years she'd spend with him.

- - - - -

Peter, using his fastest route of transportation, swung his way over to Tony's house. He was going to teach Vanessa about the subway and show her how to ride it in case she had to go on her own adventure. He quickly changed into his normal attire before ringing the doorbell. Tony answered the door, pulling Peter inside instantly.

"I'm not good with fashion advice, are you?" he questioned quickly. Peter shook his head. "Try your best to help Vanessa out then. She's having an outfit crisis and I can't help her." Peter couldn't hold back his gentle grin, telling Tony he had this covered.

Vanessa spun to face the door, exhaling heavily. "Thank God, Peter. Help me please," she spoke rapidly, dragging him over to her closet. "Tony bought me brand new clothes, without my permission, and I have no idea what to wear."

Peter glanced over the clothing items, grazing his hand along the fabrics. "Don't dress too fancy," he spoke as he pointed toward the dress section of her closet, "but don't dress too casual," he added, now pointing toward the sweatshirts. His eye caught a glimpse of a shirt in a blush shade, swiping it from the hanger and pairing it with a dark pair of jeans. "You'll fit right in," he smiled as he handed the clothes to her.

"Thank you so much," Vanessa responded, showing a warm smile before entering her bathroom to change. She hadn't known the shirt was a bit tight and cropped, something Tony, and Peter, probably weren't aware of either. But she loved the outfit more. Tighter fit clothes made people look more presentable, whereas baggy clothes were the exact opposite. She wanted to make a good first impression on her future fellow peers.

Peter stepped away from the closet with white Doc Martens, glancing up at Vanessa. He analyzed the outfit he picked out, gulping. "Sorry, I didn't know-"

"It's okay," Vanessa chuckled, adjusting the top. "I love it." Peter grinned, handing her the shoes. "You should be a fashion designer when you grow up," Vanessa teased, sitting on the edge of her bed to slip socks and the boots on to her feet. "Did Tony give you my backpack by chance?" Peter shook his head.

- - - - -

"I can't believe you fell on that man," Vanessa laughed as she walked side by side with Peter.

"I feel so embarrassed," Peter chuckled, hiding his flushed cheeks with his hands. "I'm never allowing you to challenge me ever again."

"You didn't have to accept it," she giggled.

"I'm a man, of course I had to," he responds, smiling at her. She giggled, tossing her head side to side as she replayed the tiny accident in her head. Vanessa had bet Peter that he couldn't not hold onto the railings during the ride, which he almost succeeded at. Except for the second to last stop, his feet sliding out from under him as the train screeched, causing him to land in a stranger's lap.

"Thank you for letting me have the seat, by the way," she spoke gently, making eye contact with him for a split second before they both heard their names being called.

Ned ran up to them, smiling up at them as he bent over his knees and tried to catch his breath. "I got your schedule," Ned huffed toward Vanessa, handing her a piece of paper.

"Let me see your classes," Peter spoke, taking the sheet from her hand as she held it out for him. He scanned over them, noticing they had very similar schedules, except for one class. But she had it with Ned, so she'd be perfectly fine. "Mr. Stark- I mean, Tony must've had control of your classes," he chuckles, handing the paper back to her. Vanessa looked them over, furrowing her eyebrows. "You're with me in almost every single class," he whispered.

"I asked him if he could do that," she shrugged, examining her locker number and combination, unaware of the shared glance between Ned and Peter. "Am I close to your locker as well?" Peter looked over her shoulder, pressing his lips into a flat line.

"Must've forgot to ask for that," he responds. "You're quite far from me."

"Damn," Vanessa mumbled, unable to witness the shared glance once more. "I can survive trips to my locker by myself," she speaks, confused as to why she felt the need to say that aloud, and why she followed through with it.

"We should get to first period," Ned suggested, him and Peter leading Vanessa toward the school.

- - - - -

It was the final period of the day, Vanessa excited for it to be over with and to see Peter again. She did enjoy her time alone with Ned though - he was a nice kid and all that. Although, all he really spoke of was Peter. It was as if he was trying to talk his friend up to Vanessa, something she wasn't a fan of. She could figure out who Peter was well enough on her own.

Ned glanced down at his phone, his mood dropping. "I gotta go to the bathroom," he grumbled to Vanessa as he scooped up his backpack and ran off, going unnoticed by the teacher. Vanessa wondered where he'd ran off to, curious as to why he had to bring his backpack with him if he was genuinely off to utilize the bathroom.

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