Chapter Thirty One

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"Good morning, sleeping beauty," Peter spoke as soon as Vanessa rose from her laid out position. She gave him a harsh glare, rolled her eyes, then ran her fingers through her hair to rid the snarls.

Vanessa pushed herself to sit up, groaning as pain spliced through her back and up to her head. "Your fucking makeshift bed evaporated on me," she hisses. "So thanks for nothing."

"Did you pack anything that can hide your identity?" Peter questions softly, ignoring every complaint that flew off her tongue. It wasn't that he was blinded from her harsh words by love and admiration, he simply just knew how cranky she was in the morning. The slightest thing pissed her off, but she couldn't help it a single bit. She always immensely apologized for it later.

"I shoved a pair of sunglasses in my bag, and I could just tie my hood really tight on my sweatshirt," Vanessa suggests.

"That'll have to do," Peter huffs, not having another option. "We should get some breakfast first."

"Where are we going?" Vanessa questions.

"Well, since we have a bit of a break from school," Peter begins, "this is the time for me to head toward my biggest and farthest target."

"Oh, great," Vanessa grumbles, standing. Peter reached out his hands to help her, but as Vanessa continued to be known as the opposite of a morning person, she just brushed him off and stood herself. "I want pancakes." Her grumbled demands made Peter's heart flutter. It was like taking care of a child, but he loved every second of it.

"I can get that for ya," Peter smiled. Vanessa looked over at him, her face twisted into one of disgust. "I know you're not an early bird, but can you at least not look at me like I've burped in your face or killed your pet pig?"

Vanessa's face instantly lit up at the mention of a small animal. "We are so getting a pet pig in the future!" she cheered. Peter noticed how she spoke so confidently of the two having a future together, feeling his heart race at a rapid speed, but chose to go along with it instead, not wanting to put a damper on her happiness that would only be temporary anyway.

"If that goddamn pig can make you this happy in the morning, I'll get you a whole farm of 'em," Peter teased. Vanessa grinned his way, adjusting her backpack on her shoulders. She adored him for almost always being optimistic and joyful, especially in the morning, when he would see her at what was possibly her worst.

"We also need to stop at a gas station so I can freshen up," Vanessa speaks, looking both ways before crossing the street, Peter following her lead. He jogs to catch up to her, walking by her side. His heart pounds as he reaches for her hand, Vanessa hiding a smile as she met him halfway and intertwined their fingers. She shook her head, making sure to turn her face far enough to the right to ensure he couldn't notice her blushing.

- - - - -

It was electric. The air felt so amazing, so fresh. Vanessa heaved out a breath upon entering the crisp atmosphere, the sun so far dipped beneath the ground. She let out a chuckle, looking to her feet. Her hands came into view, her smile faltering as she saw her bloodied knuckles and fingernail-imprinted palms.

Her head snapped backward once she heard her name. Her smile reappeared faster than a lightning strike. She threw her arms around the masked boy, unable to speak as she was suddenly struck deaf with an ear-splitting explosion behind them.

Eyes flickered open, her eyebrows furrowing. She immediately looked to her left, finding the masked boy to be unconscious after he failed to respond to her screaming his name.

She rolled onto her side, smacking him in the head and chest, hoping he'd scold her or shove her hand away. But he didn't. Her heart began to race.

As she stood, she felt liquid drip down from her temple, but she chose to ignore it until all was well with Peter. With her newfound strength she lifted him, slung his arm around her neck, and basically drug him to safety. She was near passing out with how much pressure had been applied to her within the past fifteen minutes.

Tears trickled down her cheeks as she removed his mask, tossing it aside. Without thinking she ripped off his suit. He was marked up from the fight but the explosion seemed to cause no exterior harm. She'd have to call Tony if he didn't wake up soon, whether or not she was ready to hear his lecture about leaving for a couple days with only a vague note left behind.

Small, trembling hands wrapped around his face, cradling his cheeks in her palms. "Peter," she whispers, scared to speak any louder. "Peter, please." His lips were parted, a thought occurring in her head. Her heart didn't want to but her brain begged her to. If he wasn't breathing she'd have to perform CPR right away.

Her ear pressed against his lips, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as his warm, sticky breath hit her flesh finally. "Okay, okay- good! You're still alive," she spoke to the air, clasping her hands around his jaw. "I don't know what to do to wake you up, Pete." She instantly looked down to his lips, shaking her head. A kiss wouldn't do anything. Would it?

To stop the mental debate, she leaned down and pressed her dry lips to his chapped ones. For a second she could've swore he kissed back. But when she pulled back, his eyes were still shut and lips parted. "Wake up, Peter Parker," she whispers, continuing to encourage him as she moved them into a more comfortable situation - his head cradled in her lap. "Come on, babe. You can do this. I know you can. Just wake up." Was this how you were supposed to talk to an unconscious person? Were you supposed to encourage them or just leave them be? She had no idea what the hell to do and she was beyond frightened.

As soon as her faith began to deplete, a gasp erupted out of the boy, his body flinging upward. She shouted his name with excitement, tears falling faster as she wrapped her arms around him from behind.

Once she finally unraveled herself from him, he turned to face her. "Thank you... again," he spoke. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead, using that moment to scoot closer to her.

"I was... so scared, Peter," she whimpers, attempting to dry her eyes but failing as he just smiled at her. "You could've been dead for all I knew!"

"I love you so much," he chuckles, embracing her. She was frozen. He just dropped the bomb, but was he aware of doing so? Was she supposed to say it back or just let his words simmer on the heat that clung to the air? She still didn't know how to respond when he pulled away, looking so shocked. "I just-"

"I love you too," she confirms. Her heart sang like a hummingbird, her eyes darting between his own, trying to read him as best she could. His grin returned, his lips now placing themselves on Vanessa's. "You being unclothed is quite distracting," she retorts after pulling away. Peter rolled his eyes, then proceeded to wiggle his eyebrows. "Not in an alleyway, Parker."

"Of course not," he whispers, his hot breath hitting her lips as he grew closer yet again. "That wouldn't be fit for my princess." Oh, the things Peter Parker does to poor Vanessa Blossom's heart. With no time to waste, she was reeling him back in for another dose.

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