Chapter One

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Peter's POV

I watched as Mr. Stark bit his lip anxiously, then altogether slammed his hand on his desk and end the call he previously took that interrupted our meeting. Multiple curse words flew from his mouth as he deeply exhaled.

"I have to go," he grumbled, removing himself quickly from the room. I was left speechless. For a moment, at least.

"Mr. Stark!" I called after him, running to catch up. "Can I help?"

"No," he muttered, heading in the direction of his helipad. Something was most definitely wrong. The air had suddenly dried up and I didn't know how to breathe properly all of a sudden. Who was in danger and what happened? was all I could think.

Third Person POV

Tony Stark pushed his pilot to fly quicker as he helped his on-board medic set up a gurney and gather the necessary supplies. He was in the second stage right now - disbelief. It came after shock, which he hadn't experienced much. Soon he'd move on to the third stage - guilt.

"Your niece will be alright," his medic assured him. "She's in good hands."

"I know," Stark mumbled. All he could do now was sit back and stare blankly at the wall opposite of him. How could he have let this happen?

Two days later..

Her eyes fluttered for a moment before fully opening. They were crusted shut, so it took some time, but she could finally see. Her throat felt similar to a desert that had been baked for eons. She couldn't speak, she couldn't smell (quite yet), and couldn't move. All she could do was visually take in her surroundings.

Everything was made of metal - except for the bed she was laid across and the chair that sat beside it. She couldn't make out any of the other materials and what their worth was, but she knew that at least several million dollars went into the room she was in.

A boy walked tiredly around the corner, running a hand through his hair as he came into view, heaving out a long sigh. She wished to get his attention and ask where she was, but her throat wouldn't allow it.

As if he heard her thoughts, he looked up. His eyes widened, his jaw dropped. He began to shout, "Mr. Stark!" and ran over to her bed in a hurried fashion. "You're awake!" he chuckled loudly, his voice and his little dance movements giving away how ecstatic he was. She took note of this, and already planned to laugh about it later, when she was alone.

"Vanessa," a man sighed in relief, causing the boy to turn instantly.

"She's awake!" he cackles, smiling wider than before.

"How do you feel?" the man asked her, now stood beside her bed.

"She probably can't talk," another boy interjected. He stood by the doorway, creeping into the room. He was trying to hide his emotions, but she could see them all in his eyes. "Peter, give her water."

The boy that danced nodded, grabbing the glass cup from the bedside table and handed it to her, not realizing she couldn't move the best quite yet. "Here," he spoke suddenly, grabbing a remote that was attached to her bed. She felt her upper half elevate, a smile taking over the boy's face yet again. After she was elevated to a good height, he lifted the cup to her lips and watched her gulp the entire glass within a second.

"Where am I?" she finally spoke, her voice coarse and crackly.

"My house," the man responded. "I'm Tony." Now she understood everything. Her famous and rich uncle, the man her mother talked about in a bipolar fashion. Always saying something like, "He's an egotistical ass that never contacts his family" and, "He sent us money for my treatments! I love my brother." Though she never actually saw the man that was her uncle until now.

"And I'm Peter," the ballerina boy spoke. She chuckled a bit, and nodded a hello.

"I'm Ned," the boy who suggested the girl drink some water chimes.

"Nice to meet you all," she wrenches out. "I'm Vanessa."

"We know," Peter giddily replies. Vanessa gives him a smile.

"Of course you do," she whispers. "Can I have some more water please?" she croaks. Peter nods and rushes off, tugging Ned with him.

A phone began to ring obnoxiously, causing Tony to reach into his pocket and pull it out. He groans, answering the call. "I fired you! Don't call this number again or I will press more charges!" Vanessa gave him a confused glance by knitting her eyebrows together, which he noticed as soon as he spun back around. "The former pilot of my jet keeps calling. My apologies."

"Former?" she questioned curiously.

"Yes, former," Tony responds, tense from the situation that was arising. "He was the pilot that crashed the jet you were a passenger of and nearly killed you." Vanessa felt herself fall back, as if her soul had taken a hit. "But luckily, my tech saved you."

"How?" she quizzes, extremely intrigued with how he saved her life.

"I installed one of my newest creations into your chest - something my tech people and I have been working on for years," he responds.

Vanessa soaks in what he said, then asks, "And that is?"

"So far all we've called it is a Super Heart," he replies. "It's a lot more productive and reliant than an actual human heart," he explains. "We were still working on some kinks when you needed a heart transplant, but I knew it was the only way to save you, so we gave it a go." Vanessa looked at him wide-eyed. "So far, it seems excellent and I couldn't be prouder."

"Here's your water," Peter announced after clearing his throat quite loudly when reentering the room. He hands Vanessa the glass, which she is now able to hold on her own, and sits back, letting everything settle in her brain. She couldn't push aside the fact that this was the craziest thing she had ever heard.

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