Chapter Eighteen

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- - another two weeks later (oops) - -

"Peter, stop," Vanessa giggled after hearing Peter ask for the hundredth time in the past five minutes where it was they were traveling to.

"If you wouldn't have blindfolded me, I wouldn't be asking," he responded with all the right amount of sass.

"Do not talk to me in that tone of voice," Vanessa scolded, unable to retract her smile even the slightest.

"Or what?" Peter challenged.

"Who's driving?" Vanessa teased. Peter spread out his arms, grabbing the sides of the interior of the car. Vanessa laughed, saying that driving into the river wasn't her plan. "We're here," she eventually announced, slipping out of the car. She could hear Peter calling for her in a panic. "I'm right here," she spoke as she opened the passenger door.

Peter fell out of the passenger seat, leaning on Vanessa as she led him into the cabin. She gave a bright smile toward Ned and Kate, who had decorated the cabin earlier, telling Peter to keep his eyes closed as she removed the blindfold. He agreed, clutching onto Vanessa as he squeezed his eyelids together, despite the urge to fling them open.

"3... 2.... 1," Vanessa spoke, Peter's eyes fluttering open. They sparkled at the sight, his smile shining as bright as the early afternoon sun.

"This is beautiful," he whispered, examining the subtle decorations and the movie night already set up in the lounge area. "Did you do all this?"

"Oh no," Vanessa chuckled. "This was Kate and Ned."

"Mostly me," Kate interjected, earning a nudge in the side from Ned.

"It was Vanessa's beautifully orchestrated idea," Ned remarked. Peter glanced over at her, feeling his stomach do backflips as he witnessed the sudden glow on her face as she smiled with more than her teeth.

"Tony installed a hot tub," Vanessa told Peter. "And I figured that was a sign to make plans for all of us this weekend."

"That's why May kept reminding me to have my weekend open," Peter chuckled. "Did you pack my stuff?" Vanessa nodded.

"May helped," she grins. "You have some amazing baby pictures by the way."

"Oh. No," Peter muttered. "May."

"I'm kidding," Vanessa giggled. "She offered but I declined." Peter grumbled a curious why. "I will only look at your baby pictures when you're present... It's easier to embarrass you and make fun of baby Peter in the process."

"I was a very cute baby," Peter protested.

"Mhm, I'm sure," Vanessa chuckled, causing the two to break out in quiet laughs.

"Vanessa, can you join me in the backyard?" Kate questioned, splitting the moment up. Vanessa nodded and finally broke free of Peter's grasp.

"I'm getting some water," Peter informed Ned, walking to the kitchen. As he stepped on the tile, he remembered the last time he came in here, which happened to be one of the very first times.

Kate giggled at Peter, who had just explained the whole girl analyzation power to her and expected an answer on what Vanessa's stares toward Peter meant about how she felt.

"I'll be honest," Kate whispered, "from what I've seen... she seems to have at least a small crush on you." Peter gulped and smiled. "She has a certain sparkle in her eyes that she doesn't have when looking at other people. I've thought about this ever since I first saw you two together."

"So you think she likes me?" Peter eagerly questioned.

"She's gonna be wondering where we are," Kate chuckled, grabbing the glass of water, heading back up to the bedroom where Vanessa sat waiting for their return with Ned.

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