Chapter Thirteen

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The next morning Vanessa woke up to find her body entangled with Peter's. She sprung back, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. She was so exhausted, yet she beat her alarm. She sighed, and put on the old sick act: wrapping herself up with a blanket, giving her cheeks a few pinches and slaps to redden them, and placing a warm wash cloth over her forehead before heading downstairs.

"I'm so sick," she mumbled, limping over to where Tony sat, drinking his coffee and reading something on his iPad.

"I'll call you in sick, go rest," he responded, Vanessa surprised he didn't check anything before sending her off. She didn't hesitate though, instead she speed walked back up to Peter, who was still fast asleep when she returned.

She grabbed her phone and dialed May's number. "Where's Peter?" she exclaims.

"He's safe, he's with us," Vanessa assured. "But he isn't feeling well." She felt guilty for lying to two people, especially about the health of their loved ones.

"I have to be in town the whole day," May sighs.

"We can take care of him here at Tony's house," Vanessa offers, knowing this is how the conversation would go.

"Okay, thank you," May responds. "I'll call him in sick and pick him up after dinner, is that okay?"

"That's perfect," Vanessa replies, smiling.

"Okay, have fun at school today, Vanessa." And the line cut.

"What are you smiling about?" a deep, coarse voice questioned. Vanessa looked up, her smile widening.

"We're playing hooky today," she announces.

"Why?" Peter asks before contradicting himself. Then Vanessa noticed it. The minimal scabbage on his face, and possibly the rest of his body, invisible to the untrained eye.

"How did you-" she then contradicted herself too, remembering he was Spider-Man, and that too much was possible to catch up with and memorize.

"What are we doing then?" Peter questions.

"First, we're sleeping for a bit longer," she chuckles, crawling back into bed.

"Sounds good to me," Peter responds, readjusting his head and closing his eyes. Vanessa found herself watching him fall asleep, relaxing all the way into her own slumber as she did so.

- - - - -

"Are you ready yet?" Peter asked through the bathroom door, waiting for Vanessa's response.

"Almost!" Vanessa called back, brushing through her hair. She perfected herself before opening the door. Peter stood back, stunned. "I'll find you something," she informs, heading toward her closet. She rummages through it, scanning the items for the most boy-ish ones. She pulls out a black pair of joggers and a white hoodie.

"Do you happen to have shoes my size?" he chuckles as he slips into the clothes, not caring that Vanessa was in front of him. Vanessa glances away with a blush creeping on her face, eventually finding a pair that were a size too big for her, but finding out were a perfect fit for Peter.

"Where are we going?" Vanessa giggles as Peter drags her down the stairs and out of the house. "What if Tony comes home?"

"He won't, he's very busy today," Peter replied.

"I should've asked Spider-Man for a lift," Vanessa teased.

"It's a short distance," Peter responded. "Could you fix the suit up for me by the way?"

"I would have no idea what I'm doing," she chuckles.

"I'll help you out the first time," he replies. Vanessa stops him, surprised he actually halted when she did. Not even a tug on her wrist, he just knew she would stop and didn't want to continue to pull her along like a dog that didn't want to go on a walk.

"The first time?" she questions. "I don't want that to happen ever again."

"It will happen again," Peter spoke, feeling somewhat ashamed. Maybe because he was putting Vanessa through the pain of worry while he was out on missions, curious as to if he'd make it back alive or at least in one piece. "But I can promise you that I'm not dying anytime soon."

"You can't promise that," Vanessa replies. "Please don't promise that." Peter remains silent. "My mom promised that and look where we are now." A huge wave of guilt crashed over Peter.

"I'm so sorry, Nessa," he spoke. He went to hug her, but she stepped away.

"I'll just cry like a baby," she explained. "Just... please don't ever promise you won't die. I can't afford to lose you too - and the promise would just make me angry at you for breaking it." Peter gave a warm smile, grabbing her hand this time. "Take me to wherever now," she chuckles. Peter nods, returning on his route.

- - - - -

"Peter," Vanessa spoke, breathlessly. Not because of the miles she just sprinted, but because of the view. She placed her hands on the top of the half-wall, smiling down at the city. "It's gorgeous."

"I always come up here when I need to do some thinking," he explains, grinning at her.

"This would be a perfect first date location," she interjects. She bounces away from the half-wall, spinning around as she explains her vision. "Fairy lights spread across the floor; a blanket set up in the middle, with a basket full with peanut butter sandwiches and strawberries; a bottle of champagne or wine, with the fancy glasses; then, a movie after all the food. Or two movies. With a pile of pillows and blankets set up as the bed, and a blanket to share-"

"You really enjoy your dates, don't you?" Peter chuckles, only teasing her. He actually adored how much she gushed over the idea of her perfect first date.

"Only the first date," she sighs. "That has to be unforgettable." She turns to face Peter, showing a quick smile. "The others don't matter as much."

"What do you mean they don't matter as much?" he questions, walking toward her with his hands in the pockets of her pants he was borrowing.

"They could take me out to McDonald's in sweatpants and I'd be as grateful as I was for the first date," she responds, beginning to blush. "I'm so stupid, I'm sorry-"

"You're not stupid," Peter retorted, shaking his head as he spoke. Vanessa gave another short smile, then went back over to the half-wall and stared out over the city once more. Peter joined her.

"I can't imagine how insane the sunsets look up here," she speaks, nudging Peter in the upper arm with her shoulder.

"I'll keep that comment in mind," Peter responds.

"What do you mean?" Vanessa laughs, turning to face him, resting her elbow and side on the half-wall.

"It means that I'll remember what you said," he teases. Vanessa rolls her eyes with a smile, turning yet again to face the view. Peter stares at her for a second longer before feeling overly confident. He steps up onto the half-wall, gaining a crazed stare from Vanessa.

"Get down," she gasps. "You could fall and kill yourself."

"I'll be fine," Peter shrugs. He holds out his hand, gesturing for her to take it and join him on the edge. She shakes her head. "I promise that I won't let you fall to your death, and I promise I won't break that promise." She gave him a quizzical look before clasping her hand around his and, with loads of help from Peter, stands on the edge.

She clutches onto Peter, and hides her face in his chest. "There's no fucking way I'm doing this right now." She felt like one little wind gust would send her over the ledge.

"Nessa," Peter softly speaks, "look at me." Vanessa glances up, her body melting into his. "You're okay." She gulps, nodding her head anxiously in agreement but knowing full well she was about to puke. "I won't let a thing hurt you, ever."

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