Chapter Six

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"Vanessa was supposed to be the one to pass out, not you, kid," Tony teased, walking off to replace Peter's warm ice pack with a new, cooler one. Vanessa gave a small smile his way, denying the fact that she felt pretty faint. To distract her body from collapsing, she moved from the wall over to stand beside Peter. She removed his hand from his forehead, taking the wash cloth that was meant to be damp over to the sink, placing it under the cool running water, before settling it back on Peter's forehead. She left her hand there.

"Do you faint when you do that?" Peter questions toward Vanessa, referring to the whole moving-objects-with-her-mind thing.

"When I do it too often for my body to handle, yeah," she sighs. "Especially since I have a weight limit."

"Weight limit?"

"At this stage, she can only lift simple things, such as a mug or a can," Tony speaks up, re-entering. "Maybe some day, she'll be able to lift a car." Vanessa shook her head in a doubtful manner, checking over her shoulder to make sure her uncle hadn't seen her disbelief.

"So how did she acquire this party trick?" Peter asked with amusement, moving his stare from Tony's back to Vanessa's eyes.

"It's one of the mystery perks of the Super Heart," Tony replied. "I didn't think such a thing would occur, but I should've listened to my team." Vanessa giggled softly.

"Yeah, you should've," she retorted. "A heads up would've been nice." Tony ignored her comment, continuing whatever he was working on. "Peter, I need you to come look at this," Tony grumbled.

"Shouldn't he wait for a few more minutes before standing-"

"Could you head back up to your room, Vanessa?" Tony remarks. "I really do need to have a discussion with Peter, one that doesn't concern you."

Vanessa bit her bottom lip, and removed herself from the room with sorrow. She felt alone suddenly, like she wasn't wanted in the ways she thought she was. It seems her uncle still failed to see her as a human with feelings and emotions with every goddamn thing he did, whether it be rude or kind.

"I'm sorry," Peter had whispered in her ear as he walked her to the door. Then it quietly closed behind her, and she was left with her own thoughts. With no other choice, she trudged up the stairs to her room, unsure of what to do next.

"Why'd you do that?" Peter asked Tony, agitated, walking over to Tony's desk.

"It's not my fault you haven't told her about Spider-Man yet," he spoke, giving Peter a short glare. Peter groaned, crossing his arms over his chest with a slouched standing position.

- - - - -

Peter's POV

Web after web I followed the moving van toward a tunnel. Mr. Stark had put a tracker on it earlier in the week, and wanted me to follow it. I couldn't let him down.

I stuck my feet on the wall of the outside of the tunnel and slowly crawled my way toward the entrance, ducking my head past the rim just enough to see the vehicle. But no matter how much I moved, I could not see what I really came here to watch.

My mission was to see what was being given out or sold, see if the Vulture's business was back in town without him.

Just as I was going to drop down and sneak over to where the action was, an arm of some sort elongated into the tunnel from the opposite entrance and wrapped around the van, giving it a hefty toss towards my way. I had to dodge it, but was still unsuspected.

When I looked back into the tunnel, nothing was there. No one to be seen. Not even the tiniest bit of rubble. It was all just... gone.

How do I tell Mr. Stark?

- - - - -

Third Person POV

Vanessa heard Peter enter the house, shouting for her uncle. She wasn't particularly upset with Peter at the moment, so she figured she could tell him that Tony was out.

She stepped out of her bedroom and walked down to the kitchen, but Peter wasn't there. She checked around the whole first level, but still was unable to find him. Maybe he'd left?

"Peter?" she called out for the fifteenth time. "If you're trying to scare me, you've succeeded." She peeked around every corner before turning down a hall or entering a room. The last room she entered, she found a very intriguing suit. "Woah," she whispered, stepping over to the display. She ran her fingers over the fabric, tracing the spider on the chest.

"Whatareyoudoinginhere?" Peter stammered, beyond the point of nervous, making sure the door that was hidden in the wall had shut properly. Vanessa hadn't noticed it.

"Peter," Vanessa almost shouted, alarmed by his entrance and a bit embarrassed. "I was just-"

"Stroking Spider-Man?" he chuckled.

She sighs, turning back to the suit with steadily moving eyes. "I've always admired his work," Vanessa confesses. "The way he cares- and is always trying his best- it's so amazing." She couldn't quite get the correct words out, but Peter still felt his heart pick up speed and drop down into his stomach altogether. "I wish Tony could help me meet him or something. I feel like Spider-Man needs a bit more encouragement nowadays."

"I'm sure he'd appreciate your admiration," Peter replied, hoping she wouldn't notice the deep blush on his cheeks and the shakiness of his hands.

"Wait," Vanessa chuckles, spinning to face Peter, "you intern for my uncle." A smile poked its way onto her face. "Could you tell Spider-Man I'd like to talk to him sometime? He could stop by my window anytime." Peter felt like she knew already, and now she was just teasing him.

"Are you serious?" Peter spoke, not meaning to seem as if he was laughing at her in any way.

"Um, yeah," she softly responded, tucking her hair behind her ear. Peter's head began to feel extremely light.

"Y-yeah, sure then. I'll tell him," he stuttered. "I gotta go," he interjected, bolting out of the room and eventually out of the house. Tonight could not have gotten any weirder for him.

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