Chapter Forty One

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Vanessa wanted to ignore the red and blue suit - but she couldn't seem to push it out of her mind. Despite Peter being totally focused on her and having a good time with their friends, she still felt he would be prepared to whip out the suit and tug it on, completely tossing her aside so he could save the day.

She sat on the messy bed, duvet flipped over, touching the end of the bed, due to Peter and Vanessa flinging out of bed this morning to join Ned and Kate for breakfast. She sat with her legs folded one underneath the other, her elbow dug into her right knee, chin dipping into the palm that eventually connected with the aforementioned elbow. Her lips were presented in a deep pout, trying to imagine things that would make her frown flip upside down. But she couldn't.

Peter's t-shirt clung to her braless torso, her athletic shorts lounging on the floor as she found no motivation to put them back on. Her hair was damp from the shower, but she made no intentions on getting ready for the day. The suit had simply put her in a mood that wasn't going to be fixed so easily. This trip was meant to be for them. Not for Peter to swing around on his dumb, sticky webs. She was really not having it.

The room to the honeymoon suite squeaked open and shut with a soft thud, then Peter flung himself onto the mattress, Vanessa not letting the action shake her expression. She wanted Peter to see her and ask what was wrong, otherwise it was not getting brought up. How unhealthy and selfish of me, she thought.

"V?" Peter questions softly once she doesn't turn around. He huffs as he scoots himself close to her side, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He outstretches his arms to keep himself balanced, cheekily settling his left arm behind Vanessa. His goofy grin immediately drops when he sees her frown. "Nessa, what's up?"

"You brought the suit," she mumbles. Peter gulps, glancing behind him to find his suitcase. It seemed as messy as he had left it - with the familiar red, black, and blue suit hanging off the side. He mentally facepalmed himself.


"I love that you're prepared to save people from some monster - that's one of the reasons why I absolutely adore you, Peter," Vanessa begins to explain. "But this trip is important for our relationship. Or, at least, it is to me." Peter's face softens, his stomach knotting up.

"Vanessa, you know I love you," he speaks, resting a hand on her thigh as he leans forward to try and catch a glimpse of her face. But she turns her head, still frowning. Peter sighs heavily, sitting up straight again. "I brought it in case someone tried to mess with us - with you." Vanessa turns to glance up at him. "I wasn't planning on leaving your side to fight crime, love. I just get scared someone knows of our little getaway and will do anything to make it a horrible memory."


"Vanessa, I'm so madly in love with you," Peter interjects, sliding off of the bed and standing on his knees before her. He holds his hands in hers, fighting the temptation to run the pads of his thumbs underneath her eyes as new tears sprout. "I would never choose Spider-Man over you - I can't."

A flicker of a smile greets Vanessa's face, but it vanishes as she sniffles, dropping Peter's hands to stand. Peter follows her, watching her and what she does or how she holds herself carefully.

Vanessa finds his big brown eyes, the soft smile returning. She lets the warm tears spill over as her hands find their way to Peter's face, cupping his cheeks once more. Peter grins, mocking her action. Except he runs his thumbs along the bottoms of her eyes, drying what had overflowed.

"I just want you safe," Vanessa whispers. "If something happened to you on this trip-"

"Nothing will," Peter interjects with the same tone and volume as Vanessa. "I promise, this trip will be unforgettable in the best way possible."

"Anything with you is unforgettable in the best way possible," Vanessa softly chuckles, rubbing one of her thumbs gently against the flesh of his burning cheeks.

"Does this mean we're good now?" Vanessa nods. "Good, because you're driving me wild with this outfit." Vanessa chuckles, shaking her head as Peter's hands move down to her waist.

"Where's that innocent Peter Parker I fell in love with?" she asks, obviously joking. She felt a whole new wave of love and admiration with this darker side of Peter.

Peter moves his lips close to her ear, whispering, "How is he meant to be here when you're clearly not wearing a bra?" Vanessa bit her lip as Peter's lips left a trail of fireworks on the skin of her neck.

"We arranged a beach day with the other couple we're spending this trip with," Vanessa reminds in a teasing tone, trying to keep her composure and bite her tongue for as long as possible.

"They can wait," Peter grumbles, moving his lips up to hers. Vanessa kisses back instantly, sliding her hands down from his cheeks to the collar of his shirt. She gives him a good tug, signaling what Peter had been wanting to do for the past minute.

He gently pushes her back on the bed, deepening the kiss as he digs his knees into the sheets on either side of Vanessa's sides, breaking from the kiss to pull off his shirt. Vanessa giggles quietly, tracing her fingers along his toned stomach. They graze up to his chest as he falls back down onto her lips, his elbows resting beside her shoulders as his fingers cradled the back of her head.

Her hands slid up from his exposed torso, wrapping around the back of his neck as she tries to pull him closer, wanting more.

Peter pulls away again, chuckling deeply. "Our first time... is gonna be right," he says between pants. Normally, as he is a superhuman, he wouldn't be so out of breath. But when it came to Vanessa, he wondered if oxygen ever accompanied her presence.

Vanessa groans, sitting up as he slides off of her, pulling his shirt back on. "You're a goddamn tease," Vanessa whimpers. Peter smirks, chuckling again.

Vanessa, who somehow was oblivious to everything below the belt up until now, chokes on her spit, covering her mouth as she tries to suppress her giggles. Peter glances up at her confused. He clearly was still numbed by her kiss.

"I'll go get ready with Kate and Ned so you can, uh, ya know, get rid of that issue," Vanessa announces, walking over to her suitcase, tugging on joggers before grabbing her makeup and toiletries bags. Peter's eyebrows furrowed farther until he realized he was a male. He snaps his eyes down, his stomach jumping up to his throat. "Have fun, dork!" Vanessa exclaims as she exits the room. Peter curses himself for being such a damn gentleman, moaning as he walked off to the bathroom.

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