Chapter Forty Three

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Her feet squeal as they come to an abrupt stop. She stares up at the building, trying to find any clues as to where Peter had gone. She gasps to herself at the strings of spider webs, which led toward the beach. She began running again.

She followed the trail that Peter left, hunting with her eyes for any sign of where he was currently at. Her eyes caught his flying figure, watching it swing toward the nearby shopping center. He was following some purple mist. She huffed loudly, pushing herself to sprint faster to the mall.

She'd arrived, and ended up being a lot closer to Peter and his current opponent than she'd expected she'd be. She licked her lips as she saw Spider-Man flick a couple web grenades at the purple mist.

"That's Spider-Man!" she heard several people of all ages, genders, and sizes shout. "Who's he fighting?"

As if the mist heard, it dissipated. Vanessa put up her hood, tightened its grip on her head, and put on a pair of dark sunglasses. She watched as a deceivingly handsome man stepped out of the dark lavender fog, flinging flashes of magic Peter's way. She gasped when one nearly plunges into his arm, but he was quick to deflect it.

"Spider-Man!" Vanessa called. She hadn't bothered to disguise her voice as she was trying to get Peter's attention. And she succeeded.

He glanced up at the second level through the large hole in the center of it, noticing Vanessa straight away. "Get away from here!" he shouts, taking a sharp hit to the stomach. He doubles over, shielding himself from taking anymore hits. The man cackles evilly.

"Who's that?" Vanessa heard him whisper to Peter. Was she developing some type of advanced hearing power now too? "You must know her." Vanessa's breath hitches as the man's eyes catch hers. "Can't see much, but she's pretty."

"And underage," Spider-Man growls. "So if I were you, I'd step back before the court date is set."

"Chill out, man," the man chuckles. "Who is she? How do you know she's underage?"

"It's none of your business," Spider-Man grumbles, standing back up. He tries to kick the man in the face, but he fails miserably. The man catches his leg and throws him to the ground.

"Ahh, so she's your weakness." Vanessa gulped. She was in so much trouble.

The man snaps at someone off to the side, returning his attention back to Spider-Man.

"Leave... her... alone," Spider-Man hisses slowly, attempting to sit up. The man clamps his hand around Spider-Man's neck, chuckling deeply as he presses him into the floor.

"You don't own me, I can do whatever I please," the man growls.

Without warning, Vanessa is lifted from the ground. She tries to kick and scream, but a hand clasps around her mouth. She's drug down to the battlefield, no matter her desperate attempts to fly free. She's thrown to the ground, near Spider-Man. She huffs, standing slowly, her back aching.

"What's your name, sweetheart," the man asks, staring up at Vanessa. Vanessa shakes her head and spits at his face. The man chuckles darkly, wiping her saliva off of his cheek. "Restrain her," he booms.

Vanessa whimpers loudly as her arms are ripped behind her back, held down by a very strong set of arms. Spider-Man looks hopelessly at her before returning a dark glare to the man above him.

"Let her go, Tarus," Spider-Man grumbles. "She's got nothing to do with this."

"Aw, someone's got a soft spot," Tarus speaks, smiling smugly down at the helpless creature below him. "How sweet."

Vanessa grunts as she tries to slip out of the-man-holding-her's grip, flinging herself around wildly in the process. She gasps as she's lifted ever so slightly off the ground, instantly being dropped onto her face.

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