Chapter Twenty Three

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The kiss was not discussed further. Peter was going to work the whole week with Vanessa on getting her caught up with her work now before she transferred, wanting her grades to be of passing level at the least.

"I'm downgrading so much," she sighed one day as she stared at the textbook.

"How so?" Peter questioned, knowing what she was going to say but wanting to hear her say it anyway.

"The classes will be smaller, the lessons will be dumbed down, the brains of my peers will be lighter-"

"Be nice," Peter chuckles, elbowing her. Vanessa gave an airy laugh, glancing to her side, smiling at Peter.

"And there definitely will not be a Peter Parker," she concluded. Peter turned his head, smiling back, his a bit more mischievous.

"Good, otherwise I'd have to kick his ass," he comments, earning an elbow into the side as well. "Don't move on from me too quick."

"I could never, in a billion trillion years, forget about you, Parker," Vanessa smirked.

"See, that's why you're going to a dumber school," Peter remarked, referring to her imaginary, made-up number. Vanessa gasped and elbowed him once more, both laughing in the end.

As Peter dropped Vanessa off at her door later that night, a silence fell over the neighborhood, leaving the two to think about what should happen next. Both had similar things in mind, Vanessa on the more innocent track, of course, as she was the most mature and the female, while Peter was still dealing with the cruel side effects of puberty.

"A kiss would bid me a good night, kind sir," Vanessa challenged, smirking.

"Giving thou a kiss would be too easy," Peter responded, smirking in his own way. "Thou haveth to earn it."

"How the hell do I earn-" His lips claimed hers, softly and passionately, leaving Vanessa to clutch at his waist so she wouldn't fall backward. He took note of this and grabbed gently at her cheeks, feeling the heat radiate from them as the kiss deepened. But soon Peter pulled away, and bit his lip as he saw her keep her eyes closed for a second longer, hoping to extend the touch on her lips. "Such a beautiful way to shut me up."

"Meet me at our spot tomorrow after school," Peter grinned. "You wouldn't want to miss it."

"That's for you to find out," she teases. She pecks his cheek and slips into the house, seeing no end to her smile. She fell asleep with the dumb thing still glued to her face, even with the thought of tomorrow being her last day at Midtown.

- - - - -

Vanessa hugged Ned and Kate, wished them a pleasant rest of the day, and skipped to her car. Yes, Tony had already bought her a car. But to help her to not stick out like a sore thumb, he steered clear of any vehicles over $20,000.

Her fingers gripped at the wheel as she sped to her coffee place, which was closer to her new school than the new school was to her own home. She ordered her coffee, sipped some in the car before starting it, and drove toward the building that held the romantic rooftop. She had a feeling tonight would be unforgettable.

As she parked, she decided to give Peter a bit more time, maybe even enough time to doubt her appearance which was kind of what she wanted. She scrolled through Instagram, liked and commented on a few posts, then turned off the car and unbuckled herself. She drank the last of her iced coffee and tossed the cup into the trash on her way up.

The door flung open, revealing a decorative half-enclosure; the fairy lit sky, a picnic setup in the middle, and a pile of blankets and pillows in the corner, along with a screen and its projector, some movies, and some snacks, such as M&M's and pre-popped popcorn.

As the door closed, it revealed Peter Parker, who wasn't dressed fancy due to the circumstances, but held a single white rose in his hand. Vanessa clenched her lips together with her teeth to stop the squeal from escaping her mouth, and walked over to Peter.

"This looks so beautiful," she spoke as she examined the roof a bit deeper. Peter followed her as she walked around the area, chuckling at all her reactions to the tiny detail. Peter had remembered everything she explained about a perfect first date, and nailed it first try. "Who helped you?" she teased.

"What do you mean?" he teased back. "I did this artwork myself."

"No, seriously, who helped pick stuff out?" Peter rolled his eyes, but succumbed to the pressure she was applying.

"I asked May for advice on certain, particular details, but I set it all up myself." Peter burst into a cackle and confessed that Kate sped him and Ned over here as fast as she could so they could set up before Vanessa's arrival. They left as soon as the final details were coming together.

"Where did courageous Peter Parker come from?" Vanessa questioned as he led her over to the picnic with a hand pressed lightly against the small of her back.

"The kiss was all I really worried about," he admits. "I was nervous for this as well, but Ned told me to swallow it and Kate told me confidence is sexy." Vanessa laughed, harder than she meant, which raised curiosity in Peter's head. To put his mind at ease, Vanessa told him of Kate's pep talk before she lugged her out to the hot tub a couple weekends prior to.

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