Chapter Eight

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"There's no way neither of us are getting killed in this creepy place," Kate chuckled, helping Vanessa walk around the house to turn on lights and open curtains; give the place a bit of livelihood.

As they were setting up their rooms, the door opened and slammed, Ned's voice echoing throughout the house. Vanessa shot a confused look Kate's way, earning one back, before the two ran for the stairs.

"Hey, boys," Vanessa called out, waving to Ned and Peter. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Tony said we could use this place for the weekend," Peter responded, giving a discreet wink to Vanessa. "Ned and I needed some best friend time." Ned rolled his eyes. "We were gonna invite you but Tony said you were busy... and now we know why."

"This should be even more fun then," Kate smiled, glancing over at Ned. Vanessa felt her heart warm at their eye contact, happy to see Kate may have a little crush on Ned.

"Vanessa!" Peter called out. Vanessa snapped her attention over to him, following his hand gesture that led her to the kitchen. "She likes him, right? I don't want his heart to get broken if she doesn't."

"She does, I can tell," Vanessa replied.

"How can you tell?" Peter questioned.

"Girls have this thing where they can instantly tell if a girl has a crush on someone by analyzing the way she looks at them," Vanessa responded. "Don't worry." Peter took note of the girl-analyzation-power, nodding at her and pushing them back out into the living area.

"How about some scary movies?" Kate suggested, hopping over to the TV and DVD player. "Somebody bring movies, by chance?"

"Tony has to have some system we can rent movies from," Vanessa responded, walking over to the TV. She grabbed the remote and smashed buttons until she found a place to rent movies from. "Perfect."

"You clicked on Comedy," Kate chuckled, snatching the remote from Vanessa. She exited the genre and clicked on Horror instead, making Vanessa nervous. She glanced back at Peter, showing him her scared expression.

"You'll be fine," he whispered, standing next to her. "I got you."

"I'm gonna go put my stuff away-"

"No!" Vanessa shouted. She cleared her throat and recovered fast. "Peter and I can take your things, Ned. We know this place."

"Okay," Ned replied with a confused tone, furrowing his eyebrows as he watched the two take off with Peter and Ned's things.

"They're acting really weird, right?" Kate questioned, glancing back at Ned.

"Yeah, super weird."

Vanessa finally found her way to the second bedroom with two twin beds, throwing Ned's suitcase next to it.

"You need to calm down," Peter spoke with a small chuckle. "You're gonna give away our position."

"I know, sorry," Vanessa sighed, plopping onto the bed. Peter scrunched his face together, sitting beside Vanessa.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I don't know," she sighs again, looking up at Peter. "I have a bad feeling about this weekend."

"It'll be fine," Peter responded, pulling her into his side. "I promise." And he wouldn't break it. He packed his Spider-Man suit, after all.

He packed it because he also had a bad feeling about this weekend.

- - - - -

"Here's an ice cold wash cloth," Kate spoke, sounding as if she were walking on eggshells. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have picked the scariest movie in existence."

"You're okay," Vanessa replied roughly, not wanting a reminder of what made her faint.

"Peter's really strong," Kate chuckled lightly, wanting to make conversation. She felt she ruined whatever friendship was brewing between the two, and desired fixing it immediately. "He picked you up without a single struggle." Vanessa's eyebrows pushed together, but she shook the thoughts away and apologized to Kate. "Why are you sorry? I'm basically the one that caused you to black out."

"I just feel like I should be sorry," Vanessa responded, sitting up. "Where'd the two boys go?"

"We're right here," Ned spoke, stepping around the door frame and entering the bedroom. Peter entered with a flushed face. "We didn't want to intrude on anything, and thought you'd want some space after all that."

"Thank you, you guys," Vanessa sighed. Her face blushed madly as she began to feel super embarrassed. "And thanks for carrying me here, Peter."

"Anytime," he smiled, sitting on the bed opposite Vanessa and Kate. Ned sat beside him.

"I'm gonna go get you some water," Kate told Vanessa, heading out of the room.

"I'll come with you," Peter shouted, chasing after her. Now Vanessa was absolutely clueless.

"What happened while I was blacked out?" Vanessa asked Ned. Ned moved closer to her, so Kate wouldn't hear.

"He told me about what you guys are trying to do," Ned spoke. "And I think it's really sweet. Thanks."

"You deserve to be happy, Ned," Vanessa grinned.

"So do you," Ned responded. "That's why I'm telling you... that I'm pretty sure Peter likes you. Like, a lot." Vanessa looked taken aback, feeling as if she was still out cold and was only imagining this.

"How? What?-"

"The only reason he's not telling you about what he does for Tony is because he really wants to protect you from the repercussions," Ned whispered. "He would've done the same with me, but I kind of ruined it-"

"You know?" Vanessa hissed.

"Yes, but-"

"What are you two talking about?" Kate questioned as she walked in, handing Vanessa the glass of water. Peter gulped, knowing that it wasn't because Ned told her that Peter told him of their weekend plans.

"I need some air," Vanessa announced, setting the cup down. She walked past Peter, making sure to bump into him, and headed for the gloomy outdoors. She needed to think, needed to scream or cry. She was beyond frustrated, and desired a punching bag.


"I don't want to talk to you," Vanessa said through gritted teeth, keeping her back to Peter.

"I know you don't, but let me-"

"Explain?" Vanessa shouted, whipping around. "Explain what? You can't tell me anything about what you do for my uncle, so your explanation would be complete bull shit."

"Vanessa, please-"

"Leave me alone, Peter," she growled, turning back around.

Part of her didn't want him to leave. She wanted him to keep his ground and to tell her that she just didn't understand what torture he was putting himself through by not telling her. He was stepping on land mines each day, swerving around the truth and punishing himself for possibly giving himself away. He wanted her safe and happy.

But part of her knew that all of that was just a stupid lie. He didn't want her to know because he didn't trust her, and probably never could. She wasn't going to remain in the dark forever. Either she found a way into Peter's secret life, or she walked away from his life altogether.

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