Chapter Thirty Two

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Vanessa stepped through the doorway, tugging Peter in behind her with a strong grip on his hand. She smiled back at him as he shut the door. Once he caught her bright smile, he returned his own, heart pounding.

"Vanessa?" Both teenagers heard the shout from the living room, immediately regretting the 'vacation' they just took. Tony greeted them in the entryway with a deep frown, disappointment etched into his features. Vanessa cowered back, Peter strengthening his grasp on her hand. "You're in so much trouble, young lady."

"I left a note-"

"Zip it!" Tony screamed. "I'm talking, you listen. Very closely." Vanessa gulped, the pit in her stomach increasing in size and weight. "Your note means nothing. You left this house without telling me to my face," he continued. "That is completely irresponsible on your part."

"I'm sorry, Tony-"

"And you," Tony spat, now glaring at Peter. Vanessa's back straightened at this, her body almost moving in front of his to protect him. Their eye contact was broken, Tony's eyes widening as he stared at the floor beside him. "I can't even look at you right now."

"We're okay, Tony-"

"I don't wanna hear a single peep from you," he spoke, his voice not cracking in the slightest. "You don't get to explain yourself now. It's far too late for that."

"But I-"

"What happened?" Tony questioned, though it was rhetorical. "Why did you not tell me? Did I not deserve to know?"

"No, you do! I just thought that-"

"That I'd be cool with you running off with your boyfriend?" Tony interjected, his voice rising in volume. "Okay, I'm only asking you this once, and I'm only giving you one chance to explain yourself, but that's it. I just want to know what the hell was so important that I couldn't know about it."

"P-Peter-" Vanessa stopped, and glanced back at her boyfriend. She was asking permission to tell him, asking for help. Her voice was so coarse, like she was holding back tears. Peter pulled her behind him and decided to help her explain the situation.

"I... I had Spider-man business," Peter spoke.

"And I wanted to help him so he would come back alive," Vanessa chimed in.

"She saved me a couple times, actually," Peter added.

"I just wanted him to stay safe," Vanessa responded. "I'm so sorry I hurt you by not waiting to tell you in person, but I just couldn't wait. You understand, right?"

Tony stood there, silent, unmoving. He didn't know what to say. He understood, but he was having mixed feelings with the whole thing.

"You're grounded," he softly spoke. "You come home right after school. You can have your phone until 8, then you go to bed. Got it?"


"And you will not be seeing Peter," he added, a bit louder this time. Peter fell back a bit, heart stopped. Vanessa couldn't catch her breath. "No calls, no texts, no FaceTimes. Nothing."

"For how long?" she spoke through a cracked voice.

"I don't know," Tony responded. "Until I see fit, I guess."

"You can't do that," Vanessa whimpers, tears threatening to spill.

"You live under my roof," he simply responded.

"You're ridiculous," Vanessa huffed under her breath.

"Bye, Peter," Tony said, monotone. Peter looked from him to Vanessa. His eyes spoke how lost he felt inside. "Good day, Mr. Parker." Peter looked at Vanessa one last time before retracting his hand from hers, walking out of the house with his head hung low. "This will teach you two to act your age and respect authority and responsibility."

"Saving the city is his responsibility," Vanessa sternly spoke through tears. "And saving him is mine."

"That's so childish," Tony retorted.

"You don't understand," she groaned. "I love him."

"You're 16, Vanessa. You're too young," Tony declared.

"You're fucking wrong," Vanessa spat. "You're so fucking wrong." She sniffled and looked him in the eyes to help her next statement come across. "I know I love him because when mom died, I lost my way. I felt dead inside. That's exactly how I felt when I thought about Peter returning in a casket. Unless you're implying that I didn't love my mother, you're fucking wrong."

Her footsteps did not patter. They stomped. All the way up the stairs. Her door was slammed shut and locked. She slid down the wall beside it, hiding her face in her hands and curling into her knees. Sobs echoed around the room, tears soaked her flesh. Her back shook so much she began to feel the bruises form each time it hit the wall.

She couldn't think straight. She tried to imagine a world without Peter. Even though it'd only be for a short amount of time, it still would feel like forever. She saw him every day, talked to him every day. He kept her grounded.

Tutoring would have to take a break. She couldn't bear to see that asshole after a shitty day at school. It'd only fall down the ladder from there.

Was she overreacting? Would this put a barrier between Peter and Vanessa after the fact? How was he feeling right now? Was May comforting him or punishing him as well? She prayed hard that she was comforting him. He deserved it.

Slowly, she stood. Her body tingled, her mind went blank. Red blocked her vision.

Her hands flew at everything in her room. Any object in sight was thrown to the floor. Her veins pumped with adrenaline and boiling blood. She couldn't believe her whole world was taken away from her.

He was trying to save people. She was trying to save him. They were successful. Why had they come back to shit hitting the fan? Why was this their reward? It was fucking horrible. All she wanted was to kiss Peter and thank God he was alive and healthy.

Profanities began to spew from her mouth, spit following each touch of the teeth and lips. Her sobs intensified.

Her rage party was put to an immediate halt as soon as she heard glass shattering. Her vision cleared long enough for her to notice the carnage. Her daisies - the ones Peter had randomly gifted her after a super stressful day at school - were sprawled across the floor, the water from the glass vase pooling around the stems and shards.

Her eyes filled with heavier tears as she bent down to their level. With care, she grabbed them. She sniffed them and then stared at them. A hint of a smile graced her face, but only for a second. She'd have to clean up this mess and find a new vase for her precious reminders to breathe before they died.

Ignoring the rest of the items flung around her room, she ran to find a new container for her daisies, filling it with water. She settled the flowers inside, then gently placed the vase on the window sill. The sun was hidden behind the clouds, unlike before their return, so the flowers wouldn't receive their needed light and warmth.

Vanessa turned slowly, inspecting the disastrous bedroom makeover. She was not going to clean it up. She was going to leave it there for Tony, hoping he'd walk in tomorrow morning while she was at school and realize her pain. The pain he inflicted upon her by taking away the one thing that kept her sane.

She exhaled heavily, flopping onto her bed. She was already losing her mind and an hour hadn't even gone past.

- - - - -

a/n: can you tell it's sad hours? lmao

ps. i really fucking miss peter parker :,(


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