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There was a jolt, my head rolled awkwardly, which caused me to open my eyes quickly. They darted around me and I found that I was surrounding by other people my age, they were all strapped into something. Most were sitting, some - the unlucky few - were forced to stand and were strapped into the wall.

Glancing down, I notice a silver band placed around my wrist. So this is why they wanted to hold me hand.. I thought to myself, as I instinctively ran my fingers over the band. I turned my hand over, getting a good look at the back to find anyway to get it off. It was tight and my wrist stung a bit from it.

Then suddenly the ship jolted and the lights flickered, my hands shot up and latched onto the red straps across my chest as a scream rang out in the air. Others began to chat and the room filled with murmurs of what was going on around us, my eyes glanced to the people on my left and right; I didn't recognize them. Which, was understandable since the last time I saw anyone was when I was 13. Even if I knew who anyone, I wouldn't know what they looked like now.

The girl to my right was currently whispering to herself, most likely saying her last pray, and her eyes were clenched shut out of fear. Her hair was pulled up into a messy pony tail and her head hung close to her chest; as if trying to cocoon herself into a ball. A sign of weakness. She was afraid and was showing it.

My eyes that turned to my left and found a boy with short shaggy brown hair, smiling and laughing with others across from us. He seemed to popular, in the sense that he knew other people.

Then, the lights turned off and everyone fell silent as our attentions were grabbed by TV's turning on and a unforgettable face appeared. I hadn't noticed the groan of irration leave my lips, but the snickers beside me told me they had.

"Prisoners of the Ark," The recording Jaha began, "hear me now."

"God, kill me," I mumbled under my breath and rolled my eyes.

"You've been given a second chance," Jaha continued, "and as your chancellor, I hope that your see this as not just a chance for you, but a chance for all of us. Indeed for mankind, itself. We have no idea what is waiting for you down there, if the odds of survival were better; we would have sent others. And frankly, we sent you, because of your crimes have made your expendable."

"Seriously," I whispered in annoyance.

"Your dads a dick Wells," a boy from behind me yelled. The room erupted in laughter, I myself snickered a bit, my eyes glancing around for the one person who seemed uncomfortable. I hadn't seen Wells since we were children, we weren't close than by any means but getting a chance to see a familiar face wouldn't be awful. That and the enjoyment of seeing him squirm and suffer like the rest of us was exciting.

I had lost paying attention to Jaha, until I heard something about a slate being wiped clean. Was he talking about our crimes? Because that would be amazing, assaulting a guard is a serious charge, and I may have added up a bit of charges while in the tank. More assaults. Not my fault everyone was a prick, I was just standing up for myself, but they didn't see it that way. So.. yeah, my list went from 6 to pretty high up there.

I tired to zone back in, but than the guy to my left began unbuckling himself. My eyes widened at him, he was ballsy that was for sure.

"What are you doing," I questioned him, as he started to float from his seat.

"Having some fun," he responded before he floated away and began turning around in the air. People began to cheer for him, giving him 'yeahs', 'take it off', 'go Finn!'

"Space walk bandit strikes again," the same guy who had called Jaha a dick yelled and then all the girls seemed to yell excitedly. My eyes rolled at their neediness for attention.

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