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It was like a serge of energy ran through me, I seemed to be fully aware of what Bellamy was walking back too. Back to his tent, back to the girl inside of his tent, and back to acting as if we didn't mean anything to one another. It was funny and mainly frustrating, how one minute he could be saving my life and making demands for my safety and then in the next, I was as if nothing at all.

Taking in a an angered breath, I chased after him out of the tent. If he wanted to not care, than so could I.

"Bellamy!" I yelled his name and everyone became frozen and turned towards us. He was nearly across camp, almost to the safety of his tent - he stood still and I could see the rise and fall of his shoulders, he than slowly turned towards me.

There was not a sound in the camp; everyone was watching us, even the girl from his tent had stuck her head out. We were a show, the gossip that ran through keeping them all engaged. Their eyes were on me; fear began to grow cold in my bones, my gaze looking to each and everyone of their faces. They were surrounding me again, just as they had before - this was too much. The courage and anger that had been coursing through my veins vanished and was left with anxiety and fear.

I should have known this was going to happen, I brought this on myself. I screamed his name across camp for god sake, that was bound to draw attention to anyone. My breath hitches for a moment as I look back to him, he just stared waiting for me to say something. Bellamy's eyes looked as if he was hoping I'd say something, as if he wanted me to stop him. Believe me, I want too, I want to just walk right up to him and claim him as my own.

I couldn't however.

"This is too much," I whispered before turning on my heel and walking straight for the gates.

"Where are you going," his voice called after me.

"I-I," I turned back towards him, "I'm not sure. I just need to get out of here."

Returning back, I walked out into the darkness of that forest once more.

•the return•Theo

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the return•


My eye snapped open. Laying still, I waited to see if the sound would come again or if it had all been in my head. Perhaps in my dreams, something wanted me to wake and return to the realm of the living.


It was in fact real; I turned to my right towards the sound, it had been coming from outside of my home. Someone was looking for me, the question was who and why. Not many knew where to find me, I only gave a hand full of people the knowledge of my home. I was a warrior, it wouldn't be smart to lead just anyone to my home, who knew what enemies lurked outside these doors.


This time they were quick, one following right after another, they sounded urgent. Sighing, I rose from my spot, grabbed a sword in hand - just for safety, as I had no idea who was waiting on the otherside of my door - and headed up the steps leading to the outside.

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