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By the time we had made it back to camp, the sun had fallen and my leg had began to throb. Actually, my whole body ached and screamed out in pain, the adrenaline from earlier had faded and I was now limping my way through the make shift gates.

"We need to get to Jasper," Clarke said aloud as soon as she was inside camp, "I'll need boiled water."

"I'll get it," I said as I followed behind her and Finn.

"No," Finn and Clarke said at the same time. They looked at one another and than back to me, before Clarke said, "you're in pain, go rest. I'll let you know when Jasper wakes up."

I sucked in a breath through my teeth and nodded my head. They didn't care I was in pain, they didn't trust me anymore. None of the did and I guess in a way, I couldn't blame them. Not only had I just killed Atom today, but I had also defended the grounder that had speared Jasper. Though, they didn't know that exact fact, however I felt like they had they're suspicions.

"Get Clarke whatever she needs," Bellamy had said behind me to one of his lackeys. I heard him drop the stretcher, and he and Wells began to talk about burry Atom.

Octavia than appeared out of the drop ship and I watched as she and Clarke spoke for a moment. Clarke had tried to pull her back inside, but Octavia pushed her away and came rushing towards us. Shaking my head, I moved out of her way, letting her through to the body. Bellamy tried to beg her to stay away, but I felt that she had every right to know what happened.

She and Atom were pretty much together from what I had gathered and had it been me in her position I would want to know. Turning my back to her as she looked over the body, I could hear Bellamy wanting to comfort her but she wasn't having it. This was my fault, she was pushing Bellamy away and blaming him for something I had done.

When she managed to sneak by me, I latched on to her wrist and spun her around to face me, "I'm sorry O."

"It's not your fault, A." She said as she wiped tears away.

"Atom asked me to do it, he was suffering," I trailed off, I couldn't bring myself to flat out say that I had killed him, but I needed to let her know that it had been me and not Bellamy.

Octavia's eyes grew dark and she threw my hands off of her in disgust and stormed away from me; now, there was one more person who didn't like me. I wonder how many more would be added to that list by the end of the night?

"Bel-Bellamy," Murphy's worried voice sounded behind me.

I turned and found Bellamy latched on to Murphy and was in his face, "my what?!"

"Bel," I yelled as I limped over towards him and tried to pull him off of Murphy.

"Your little sister," Murphy said through tight teeth, he tried to push Bellamy off of him and I pulled at the same time. Luckily, Bellamy let go and pushed Murphy back at the same time.

"That's right," he said as he nodded his head, "my little sister."

"Bellamy," I tried again as I pulled on his arm away from Murphy, but he shrugged it off as he stepped up toe-to-toe with Murphy.

"Got anything else you wanna say about her," Bel asked as he looked down towards Murphy, showing his dominance over him. I had to admit, seeing this side of him was attractive. To see how protective he is over the people he cares about, I hope some day he'd be like this over me.

"Nothing. Sorry." Murphy said coldly.

Bellamy turned around towards Wells and pointed down to Atom, "get him out of here."

He then turned to me and grabbed my hand before pulling me through the crowd behind him. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I wasn't about to protest anything, since the moment I found him all I've wanted to do was be around him. And now I was getting that wish. So instead, I pushed my way through the pain and followed him inside his tent.

"Sit," he commanded, motioning towards the bed. I did as he said no watched as he paced back and forth, trying to cool off.

"Are you okay," I finally managed to squeak out.

"No," he replied shortly. I nodded my head and looked around me, trying to think of anything to say.

"So.. how about that weather?"

He stopped and gave me a look, I raised a brow at him as a smile tugged on my lips, "too soon?"

He laughed before sitting beside me and falling onto his back on his bed. He ran his hands through his hair and let out a deep breath, his eyes closed as if he was trying to settle his mind. His face said it all, one second it was tense and strained and than the next it relaxed.

His eyes opened and than he ran his fingers down the green line on my arm, he was looking at my wounds again and I could see the pain in his eyes as he spoke, "I never should have left you yesterday."

"I'm fine," I let out as I turned away from him.

"No your not," he sat up, "look at you. You could have died."

"But I didn't," I said as I turned towards him and joked, "if you think this is bad, you should see the other guy!"

"Anna," he rested his forehead onto my shoulder and shook it there as he took in a deep breath, "you have no idea how much it's killing me to see you like this."

"Like a badass," I laughed out and shifted so I was now facing him. His head still hung low, avoiding me with his eyes, I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me, "I'm fine. Look at me, I'm still breathing."

"Yeah, but what if-"

"There is an infinite number of 'what if's', don't sit here and torture yourself with them," I said as interrupted him.

He let out a deep breath and than pulled me into his arms, I was shocked at it. He was showing such a different side of himself, a caring side that I had never seen before and I had to admit that I liked it. ALOT. Like this was the guy that I wanted, this was the guy any girl would dream of.

My arms wrapped around his torso and I buried my face into the crook of his neck. We sat like that for about a minute before I reluctantly pulled away from him, a smile was laced across both of our faces as we stared at one another.

"I should go get some rest," I finally whispered, "this feels a lot worse than it looks."

"Stay here," he said without hesitation.

My brows furrowed together at his question.

"You don't have a tent," he tired to cover himself, "and I have plenty of room."

"Just.." he trailed off as he pulled away from me, "please."

With a smile, I nodded my head. I'd let him win this round. Though, if you thought about it, there were no losers in this battle.

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