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It didn't take long before Lincoln came down and out of the drop ship. His eyes appeared glazed over as if he wasn't entirely all there with me at that moment and I knew that in his mind, he was still focused on Octavia and what happen.

It was clear that he cared about her, any moron would be able to see that. I just knew that there was no way Bellamy would approve of it and that meant that they'd have to keep this a secret from him. Another lie, added to the very long list that she already had.

"Hey," I reached out to him to gain his attention, "we don't have much time. Com' on, this way!"

I took off, Lincoln following closely behind me, as I weaved us around the crowd of my people. Praying that none of their drugs had been wearing off yet, because than that would just stop this whole thing.

As I rounded the corner towards the exit I had found, I turned my head to look back and make sure that no one had noticed us. Little did I know, that by doing so, I was going to run right into someone else. I stumbled back and than Lincoln daughter me from falling over, but my eyes were too focused on the person in front of us.

It was Finn. He looked at me with shocked eyes and than they traveled to Lincoln, who began to growl at the boy. Everything about our plan was falling about and as Lincoln began to go into attack mode, I stood straight up and placed my hands in both directions of the boys.

I wasn't sure how Finn had been stabbed, but I did know that it had been by Lincoln, so they did in fact have some kind of interaction between each other. I was expecting Finn to yell and demand that I take him back, what I wasn't expecting was for him to nod behind him and move out of our way.

Finn looked past our shoulders and the two of us quickly went around him, I watched Finn the whole time as Lincoln managed to escape out of our camp. I moved to follow after him, but stopped at looked back at Finn. There was something different about him in that moment, he wasn't like the others and I knew that I could trust him. So instead of following after Lincoln, I just called out to him instead.

He emerged out of the clearing and came towards me, his dark gaze on Finn the whole time. He didn't trust him and I couldn't blame him for that. Sighing, I removed the necklace that was around my neck, it was a gift that I had held dearly to me. Theo had made it for me, a long chain with a symbol of a sword attached to it. A symbol of a warrior, he had said.

I handed it over to Lincoln and closed his fingers around it, "let Theo know, I will meet him as soon as I can. Give him this and he will believe you."

Lincoln looked at the object, than his eyes shifted towards Finn once more and than he gave me a small nod of the head and he was gone. As much as I wanted to follow and be free once more, I knew now that I needed to be here. If Octavia and now Finn, were beginning to see the grounders as a none threat, than I could sway the others in the camp as well.

That and I was sure if I was missing by the time Bellamy came back, hell would have broken loose. So I stayed and turned around to find a Finn with crossed arms over his chest.

"We need to talk," was all he said.

•the return•

After Finn had suggested we'd talk, I had made him promise me that he wouldn't tell anyone what he had seen tonight. He had agreed, but that he was going to want to talk to me more in depth about the grounders. He left shortly after that, after Raven had called for his help. So that had ended our small conversation, not that I was complaining. I didn't really want to have to explain my self, because I hadn't really thought out a whole plan.

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