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Placing a cool cloth to Finn's forehead, I looked around the room another moment. He was getting worst and for some reason both Clarke and Raven had ran up the ladder. It didn't make sense to me, they should have been looking for the grounder that did this. He had the antidote, and seeing as I was with Theo, my guess was that they were looking for Lincoln.

The lights in the drop ship flickered quickly, it was like a surge and I could hear muffled voice coming from upstairs. My gut was telling me not to go, but I felt this need to go. Sighing, I stepped away from Finn and climbed the ladder to the next level, everyone appeared to be huddled up. But than the lights flickered again and I could hear Ravens voice from above me.

"Annabeth," Jasper called out from the crowd, he rushed forward and grabbed onto my jacket, "You don't want to go up there."

His words only pushed me further up, I knew now that I had to go up there. Moving my hands quickly, I rushed up the ladder and through the door. What I saw next was horrifying.

There across the way stood Lincoln, he was chained up with his arms spread wide. His body had been beaten and his head hung low in defeat, Atticus and Bellamy stood back watching with pride at their handy work. Clarke appeared to be watching as well as the nameless others in the room, and Raven was holding two wires inches away from his torso. The only person who appeared to cared was Octavia and when her eyes met mine she rushed towards me.

"You have to help him, please," she begged me with tears in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and gave a nod to her before stepping away towards the rest of the group who still hadn't noticed my presence.

Looking around the room, I grabbed Lincoln's knife that laid on the ground and stepped towards Raven. Grabbing her from behind, I pointed the knife at her, her body tensed and as she moved to assault Lincoln again I pulled her back, "You do that again and you're dead."

"Annabeth," Atticus rushed forward with concern, I turned my icy glare on to him.

"What are you doing," Bellamy questioned next.

"What am I doing," I mocked back at him, before looking back at Lincoln, "what are you guys doing?"

"He poisoned Finn," Clarke said as she stepped up to me, "we have to get the antidote from him, this is the only way."

"Only way?" I proclaimed shocked, "have you tired asking him?"

"Of course," Bellamy said with an eye roll, "he isn't talking."

Sighing, I looked to Raven and grabbed the wires from her hands, forcing them out of her hold and throwing them to the ground. I than put the knife in my right hand, keeping it close encase any of them moved to attack me.

" ste yu kei?" I asked towards Lincoln. His eyes widened for a moment and than shifted to Octavia before looking back towards me, he gave a small nod and if I hadn't been watching him I wouldn't have seen it.

"You speak their language," Raven asked in disgust, she moved towards me and I spun on her, pointing the knife back towards her in a warning.

"Ask him which one is the antidote," Clarke asked with hope in her eyes, she dropped to her knees and picked up the small bottles that had been laid out in front of him.

" fis op, chon one," I asked aloud, knowing that Lincoln would understand. My eyes stayed onto Raven, I didn't trust her.

When he didn't respond, I turned towards him and watched as his eyes were frozen on Octavia. They appeared to share some kind of connection, he cared about her, I could see it.

"He's letting Finn die," Raven yelled beside me with tears in her eyes.

Before I knew it, Octavia rushed towards me and grabbed the knife from my hands. She looked to Lincoln and than sliced up her arm, "he won't let me die."

"Octavia no!" Bellamy yelled.

Octavia fell to her knees in front of Lincoln and begged him to tell her which one was the antidote. The two shared a special moment and I couldn't help but fall back and watch. It wasn't just me who had made a connection with a grounder, Octavia had as well. We could grow and become friends, our people could understand.

Hope surged through me as my thoughts traveled back to Theo. Everything could work out between us and perhaps some day we could actually be friends, with if not more.

When he finally told her which antidote it was, Clarke and Raven rushed back down the ladder to Finn. I watched as Bellamy moved to grab his sister but she forced him away from her.

"You're okay," Atticus said standing front of me. My eyes didn't meet his as I stared at Lincoln who was watching Octavaia.

"Why is he here," I demanded.

"W-we didn't know where you went," he said as he looked down.

"So torturing him was going to find me," I asked as I rolled my eyes. "He didn't know where I was, I was safe and fine and now look what you have done."

Atticus slumped his head down and took in a deep breath, he opened his arms and moved forward towards me. He was wanting to hug me and I slapped him, "don't touch me."

Stepping around him, I walked forward and dropped down beside Octavia. I grabbed a cloth and wrapped her arm into it, trying to stop the bleeding from her arm. The others in the room began to disappear, leaving only two in the room to watch him and Octavia and I.

Looking around me, I waiting until no one was listening or watching us and than I moved towards his things. I grabbed his book and flipped through the pages looking for anything that would help make him trust me, I found a drawing of two boys and stared at it for a moment. I looked back towards Lincoln and than back to the image, it was him and another and I knew by the tattoo drawn on the boy that is was Theo.

Standing, I walked to Lincoln and pointed at the picture, " ste disha yu lukot?"

He eyes went to the picture and than back to me, I could see the hesitation in his eyes but than he nodded towards me. A smile broke across my lips and than I closed the book, giving it to Octavia, "we have to get him out of here."

"How," she whispered as her eyes looked around the room in defeat. "He saved me and now look at him, they did this because of me."

Dropping to her level, I placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "this isn't your fault Octavia."

"Isn't it," she disagreed with a shake of her head. "Bellamy did this because of me."

Taking in a deep breath, my eye glanced over to the hatch that Bellamy had gone down through and than back towards Lincoln. She was right, Bellamy had done this but he also had his reasoning, it wasn't right but I could understand why. He loved Octavia and wanted to keep her safe, he didn't know that this was unfortunately hurting her. He kept trying to do the right thing, but I noticed he had a habit of doing it in the wrong way.

"H-he," I stumbled to get the words out of my mouth, I didn't want them to come out wrong. I wanted to explain how he cared about her but I also didn't want to defend his actions, because I didn't agree with them at all. "He does what he does because he loves you. It's not always right, but they are coming from the right place."


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