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After Charlotte had finished with her wire, she left me to do the rest. I didn't mind, I needed something to do and at least this made me feel as if I was helping. It wasn't much, but it made me feel better.

When I was done, I wanted to relax, not that I did much, but having people stare at you all day can do some damage. I was sick of it, everyone thought I was against them, when in reality I was trying to help them. They, obviously, didn't know it, but us not having to go against the grounders was a good thing. Down the road, I knew they'd understand.

Sighing, I went into a tent that I knew was almost always empty. It had been set up as a 'headquarters' - not that we used it much, but we had it incase. When I entered however, I saw that it was in fact occupied and all of the occupants heads snapped in my direction.

"Oh," I said as I held the tent open, "hey guys." I looked around at them, Bellamy stood towards the back with his arms crossed over his chest, Jasper stood closer towards Octavia, who was currently leaned up against a table and Clarke stood across from her. My eyes widened at what they all were standing around, there on the table laid two fingers and a knife.

"You shouldn't be here," Clarke spoke up first.

"Woah, is that," I began and than walked forward getting a closer look at the fingers. They were Wells, which meant that this had been the knife used to kill him. A knife that had been made from the drop ship, so I had been right. It was one of us.

"Really," I stood tall as I crossed my arms over my chest. "So I was right, it was one of us in camp?"

Everyone looked away from me, I could tell they felt guilty for the way they had been treating me this whole past week and it had all been for nothing. My blood boiled.

"I took so much shit from all of you," I muttered as I rolled my eyes, "EVERYONE and I was right!"

"Look, we are all sorry," Clarke began as she relaxed her shoulders.

"Like hell you are," I spat as her. "You couldn't wait for a moment to turn others against me, afraid to loose your good cop, bad cop routine you two have going on!" I pointed at Bellamy, the two of them had this weird leadership battle going on and I was sick of it.

"If either one of you were a true leader, you would have believed me, about the night of the fog, about the grounders, and about this!"

"You're right," Bellamy said as he stepped forward. Octavia and Jasper had fallen back, as they knew this argument didn't involve them. "We were wrong, but we have a chance to make up for it. Help us."

I had been right, he did believe those rumors that had been going around about me. I knew it, he just confirmed it himself and as much as I wanted to be mad at him, I couldn't. He was admitting that he messed up and I felt like his distrust was more because of the rumor of me hooking up with Theo - at least, that's what I wanted to believe.

I looked towards Clarke, waiting for her response, I wasn't going to help unless they both wanted it. Otherwise, it would just be a battle and I didn't want that. Reluctantly, she nodded her head and I smiled, finally, I was back in good graces with them.

Taking in a deep breath, I walked up to the table and grabbed the knife, I looked it over as I tried to think if I had seen anyone with one like this.

"So there's a murder in the camp," Jasper asked from beside us, I think it was his way of trying to get things back to where they had been before I came in.

"There's more than one murder in camp," Bellamy said.

Nodding my head in agreement, I placed the knife back down, "several actually."

"We need to keep this quite," he said beside me.

I watched as Clarke picked up the knife and looked it over herself, she spun it in a circle and then focused her eyes on a spot inside of the handle. She dropped it down quickly and began to stomp out of the tent.

Bellamy stepped in front of her, with his hands held up to try and stop her. It was clear from her body language that she was going to go out there and do something irrationally.

"Get out of my way Bellamy," she said through clenched teeth.

"Clarke be smart about this, look at what we achieved. The wall, the patrol? Look, like it or not, but them thinking that the grounders killed Wells is good for us," Bellamy said as he tried to get her to see his side.

"Good for you, you mean," I said as I rolled my eyes.

"What, keep people afraid and they'll work for you, is that it," Clarke added. My jaw almost dropped at the sight of her agreeing with me and I couldn't believe it.

"Yeah," Bellamy stated as he looked over to me and than back to Clarke, "that's it. And it's good for all of us, fear of the grounders is building that wall."

I took in a deep breath and shook my head in disagreement, "it's a false fear. All it's doing is potentially going to cause us more issues."

"False fear or not, it's being built," he said towards me before turning back towards Clarke and throwing his hands into the air as he said, "besides what are you going to do, just go out there and ask the killer to step forward? You don't even know whose knife that is."

"Oh really," Clarke asked annoyed before holding the knife up and pointing at it, "JM. John Murphy."

"The people have a right to know," she said before pushing past him and out of the tent.

I stood there in shock - one, for not seeing that and two because I knew Murphy was a dick, but I didn't take him as the murdering type. Then it hit me that Clarke was storming out there to accuse Murphy in front of everyone and god only knew how they were going to react.

"Welp," I popped the 'p' in the word as I clapped my hands together and began to rock on towards the back of my heels, "we figured out who the killer was."

"This isn't going to end well, you realize that right?" Bellamy asked me sternly. "You of all people should know how quick they can turn on someone."

Nodding my head, I thought back to the last week of everyone's backs to me and the threats, and all the other drama that had came to me because of them thinking I was just in league with the person that killed Wells. Once they figured out who the real murder was, I couldn't imagine how they would react.

"Yeah," I said quickly, "we should probably go out there."

One by one the rest of us filed out of the tent and followed Clarks trail towards Murphy.

One by one the rest of us filed out of the tent and followed Clarks trail towards Murphy

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