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"How does almost breaking a truce justify spearing a guy and stringing him up as live bait!?"

He turned away from me and began to put his items away, I took that as a sign that he was done with my arm and I yanked my jacket sleeve back up.

"I don't answer to you."

"Excuse me," I said with anger as I crossed my arms over my chest and followed him. "You don't answer to me," I mocked back at him, "what does that mean?"

"It means, you are not my Heda and I do not have to explain my doings to you," he snapped back at me as he turned around and puffed his chest up. "You and your people are nothing but skai trashaka!"

Anger flooded through my bones, he knew I didn't speak the same language and yet, I knew he was throwing digs at me. He had to have been, that was the only reason that last phrase he spit the words out like they were venom.

"Again!" I yelled as I too took a step towards him and puffed up my own chest, "language barrier, I don't know what the hell your saying!"

"Trash!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, "it means you are sky trash!"

I smacked him. Hard across his face, his head whipped to the side and stayed there for a moment as if he was registering that I had in fact hit him. That term kind of hit home for me, because he was right. In a way, we all were skai trashaka, our own leader had thrown us away to the earth to save oxygen on the Arc. We were expendable, just as Jaha had said in the dropship, we were trash to them and now we were on the ground. Yet, they need this trash to help them come down.

Taking in a deep breath, I turned around went straight for one of his several knives hanging up on the wall. I grabbed a dull one and forced it under my wristband. If they all wanted to think of us as trash, than this piece wasn't going to help them any longer. I don't know why I was letting this grounders words affect me so much, but they had.

I had to move the blade around, wiggling it deeper under the band until I heard a popping sound. After that, I threw the blade down and removed the band from my arm and stomped over towards the fire and threw it in. I wasn't going to let them or this man define me anymore, I wasn't a prisoner and I wasn't trash.

"Thank you for healing me and saving me from the fog," I said through tight lips as I stared at the flames, "but I think I've worn out my stay. It's clear that we are never going to get along and I think I should go find my trashaka people."

I shoved passed him and made my way up the steps to the wooden door, I pushed it open slightly and noticed that yellow mist began to make its way inside the room. I shut it quickly, but I wasn't fast enough as the fog had touched the tips of my knuckles and burned my skin instantly. I let out a yelp and cradled both hands to my chest as I pushed my back to the door.

I let out a shaky breath as I realized I was going to have to go back down there and be stuck in a room alone with him until the fog had passed. I just prayed it was sooner than later. Shaking the nerves from my body I pushed myself back down into his house and found him sitting with his back toward me, his hands were working on his own cuts; cleaning them the best he could.

Sucking down my pride, I quietly walked over to him and grabbed the rag from his hands, "let me."

He jumped at the sound of my voice and my touch but nodded his head none the less. We sat there in silence, him staring at the fire and me cleaning his wounds just as he had mine. It must have been a while because when I finished I looked to the fire and noticed that what once was a large flame had turned into an ashy amber. Placing the the jar of green stuff down, I wiped my hands off before grabbing a log and throwing it into the flame.

It crackled for a moment before finally catching and growing bright again. He watched me the whole time, never meeting my eye, but I could feel them on me. Sighing, I sat down beside him on the pelts and placed my hands on my knees as I too stared at the flames.

"What was that," he spoke first, "the thing you threw into the fire?"

"Uh," I started as I tired to think of an easy way to explain it to him that he'd understand, "it was a band my people in the sky used. They gave them too us before we came down, it was their way to see if earth was survivable."

"So when you took it off.." he trailed off as he tried to figure out the meaning of it.

"It showed them that I died."

"Oh." He replied. A silence fell over us again and we never moved from our spots, just staring at the flames.

"I'm sorry," I finally said after taking in a deep breath, I turned towards him and than pointed at his face, which now had a welled hand print.

He nodded his head before sighing and turning towards me, "as am I. You are not trashaka Annabeth of the skaikru."

A small smile spread across my face and I turned back towards the flames. It was nice to hear that he didn't think of me like that, I wasn't sure why I cared how he felt about me since we were both about to kill each other only hours before now, but I liked it. I liked knowing that he thought higher of me.

"Your people may be though," he said as he nudged me in the shoulder with his own. A laugh escaped his lips and I couldn't help but laugh with him and nod my head in agreement.

"Not all of them," I said as I thought of Bellamy and a huge grin spread across my face.

"Your speaking of the boy in the woods," he smirked down at me.

I turned away from him as a blush rose to my cheeks, "how to do you say shut up in your language?"

"Shof op," he answered.

"Shof op," I repeated to him as I turned back towards his and shoved his shoulder playfully and this caused him to laugh.

"You like him," he questioned me. I shook my head slightly and looked down at my hands as my shoulder gave a slight shrug. "You do, I can tell."

I couldn't believe this situation I was in. First, I was on earth, second, I was stuck in a grounders home, who had just tried to kill me, and now said grounder was wanting to talk to me about my love life. This was crazy.

A thought crossed my mind, "what's your name?"

"Name," he asked me as his brows grew close together, "I do not know this word."

"You know," I sat as I completely turned towards him, "what do they call you?"

"Ah," he said as his head rolled back in realization, "Theo. They call me Theo."

"Theo." I said trying his name on my lips and looking at him, it matched his appearance as well as any name and it was better than calling him grounder, "Annabeth."

I stuck my hand towards him and he looked at it for a moment before grabbing my forearm and giving it a slight squeeze. This must of been their way of a hand shake, I grabbed on to his and squeezed it back. Perhaps, there could be a future between us sky people and these grounders.

 Perhaps, there could be a future between us sky people and these grounders

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