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Shaking my head, I took in a deep breath and rose to my feet. I forced myself to stop crying and buried the feelings deep within, i didn't have the time to focus on them at the moment.

"Uh," I began to look around me, letting my brain focus on a new task, "we should build a stretcher, to take the body back."

"Annabeth," Bellamy said my name softly and it cracked at my wall I had begun to build.

Ignoring him, I began to gather fallen branches and pulled them over towards the two. If we gathered enough, I was sure we could use thin vines from the trees to tie them together. Than all we would need is something to make like a tarp in the middle, that way we could sit his body on top of it and it wouldn't fall off.

"Bel, do you happen to have some type of tarp with you?" I asked him as I stared at the branches I had gathered.

"Annabeth,"he repeated back towards me.

"Cause, we could build like a rectangle out of these branches and than tie a tarp in the middle of it," I thought out loud as I kneeled to the ground and began to lay the branches out in a formation.

"Anna!" He yelled my name. I jumped at the suddenness and was shocked that he had given me a nickname. It was nothing special, but it had also been my mothers name. A name that I hadn't heard in years and it made me freeze.

"You need to calm down," he said in a calm voice as he approached me, "you can take a moment, you don't have to solve every problem."

I didn't say anything as I felt his hands touch my shoulders; I didn't know why, but his touch broke me. The reality of the situation hit and my tears just fell. I let him pull me into a hug as I began to loose it. I couldn't be strong, even though every cell in my being was telling me to stop and grow up.

I had just killed someone. It was a mercy killing, but a killing none the less. How was I supposed to be mentally okay with something like that? That fucks with a persons brain.

"Hey what happened to you," a voice asked from behind us. I pulled away from Bellamy and instintly clicked off my emotions, I sucked up the tears and wiped away the ones that had already fallen.

"Atom got stuck in the fog," Bellamy said towards Clarke. She nodded her head before giving the two of us a look and noticing the dead body.

The blonde walked over to it and looked it over, "I don't think I would have been able to help him. It's a good thing he died, otherwise he would have suffered."

"The fog didn't kill him," I snapped at the blonde. "He was suffering, so I put him out of his misery."

"You killed him?" She asked shocked.

"It was the right thing to do," Bellamy piped up from beside me, he reached out and gave my hand a comforting squeeze.

"What about you," Finn asked as he appeared out of no where... again. He really had a thing about doing that.

"What about me," I questioned him with a raise of my brow.

"You look like shit," he stated as if it were obvious, "your all cut up and have bruises on your face. Did the fog do that to you?"

My mouth shut quickly as I thought of Theo, I didn't know if I should tell them about him. Would they over react or would they be thankful for his kindness towards me?

"Uh," I began as a hand went to my lips remember the time the two of us had spent together. That had been our time and I wasn't sure if I was ready to share it yet or not, "no, I had a run in with a grounder."

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