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We spent the rest of the night just talking, we talked about what it was like to grow up as a child in the sky and one on the ground. I had to admit I was very curious and fascinated with their traditions and cultures. The way they raised their children was much like any normal way, only they raised them to survive.

I could appreciate that, because in a way my own father had. I'm sure he never imagined me having to use these skills in this way, but he had raised me to survive and I couldn't help but feel a little bit of gratitude towards him. It was still over powered by my hate and anger for him, but it was there.

Not long after talking, we had both laid by the fire, looking up at the ceiling of his caved home. I enjoyed the silence between us, there was nothing forced and it just came naturally. Every so often, we would speak again, but than he had moved away from the pelts and sat himself against the wall. His head resting back and his legs stuck straight out, he had closed his eyes and appeared to be sleeping.

"Theo," I called out to him in a hushed voice. He opened one eye to look at me, his way of showing that he was still awake, "you don't have to sleep over there. This is your home, I can move."

"No. Now sleep sky girl," he said in a very commanding voice. I couldn't help but smile and than laid back down and closed my eyes.

•the return•

When I awoke the next morning, he had been rummaging through his belongings again. I watched him; it amused me every time he'd make a loud noise, he would freeze as if he was trying not to wake me. It was nice. Everything about last night had been nice; well, everything after we had both swallowed our pride.

Taking in a deep breath, I rolled over and ran my hands through my hair before slowly sitting up. I suppose it was time to return to my people and enter the real world. I was sure my friends were worried about me by now and I had to admit, I was worried about them. I had no idea if Bellamy had listened to me and gone hunting and if he had then I prayed he'd taken shelter during the fog.

"Did I wake you," Theo questioned from behind me.

Standing, I grabbed my jacket that I had been using as a pillow and threw it on. I shook my head and than grabbed my boots and slipped one foot in at a time.

"Are you hungry?"

I was. However, I knew I had been gone for too long already and as much as I wanted to stay, I couldn't. I needed to be on my way.

"I can't stay," I said as I pulled my hair onto the top of my head and tied it up out of my face.

"Oh," he replied and than I heard him moving around behind me. When I turned he had slung his weapons back into their place on his back and had his shoes one as well, "lets go than."

My chest rose and fell heavily, "I don't think that would be a good idea. We may get along, but I'm not sure either of our people would. At least not yet."

He nodded his head and we both stood there in silence. We both knew what was to come next. We had spent a night bonding and getting know one another, but that was going to have to be as far as our relationship went. There was no way my people would be accepting of him, after what had happened with Jasper and from the way Theo spoke of his people, they weren't any more understanding.

"Thank you," I said as I took a couple of steps towards him and stuck my hand out for him.

He looked at it for a moment and than sighed before grabbing it himself and nodding his head. We stood there, eyes locked onto one another and than as I went to pull away, he pulled me in and had his lips pressed against mine.

Theo is kissing me. My first kiss. The kiss that was supposed to belong to someone else and he had stolen it. I pulled away and moved past him and ran up the steps, out the door. I couldn't believe what he had just done, that wasn't supposed to happen. We were just supposed to be friends and there he went ruining it by kissing me.

My fingers touched my swollen lips as I moved through the woods towards camp, they were still warm from his touch. Something fluttered for a moment in my gut and a part of me wanted to turn around and go back to him, but a larger part of me wished that it had been Bellamy. Bellamy was the face I saw as soon as Theo's lips touched mine.

That must have meant something right?

My thoughts were distracted by a scream and I couldn't have been happier. I needed something to focus my mind on, other than my feelings and I took this opportunity with a smile. Once the scream finished, I took off running towards it. Following the path that I thought it had came from.

When I heard heavy breathing I knew I was close to others, I just never imagined to find this. Bellamy was crouched over a body, it was blooded and blistered all over and my jaw dropped at the sight. After the shock faded, my need to help kicked in and I ran to the boys side and dropped to my knees.

It was Atom, I recognized him from camp. He had been one of Bellamys right hand guys and he had also taking a liking to Octavia. What once had been tanned skin had turned into a hideous sight of bubbles and burned skin. But his eyes were the worst, that had paled as if they had been bleached and now had turned into this glossy pearl. I was almost sure he was blind now.

"I heard screams," the words came out of my mouth as a whisper as my eyes stayed glued to Atom. I wanted to place a comforting hand on him, but I didn't know where so it wouldn't hurt; so they hovered over him about an inch from his skin.

"Charlotte found him, I sent her and the others back to camp," Bellamy said as he tore his eyes away from the panting boy between us.

"K-kill m-me," Atom struggled to say as his body convulsed as he tried to speak and breath.

I looked him over again, my brain trying to think of anything that could help him live, but I wasn't dumb. There was too much damage done, even if we had healed his skin, there was no saying how much damage had been done on his insides. Had he swallowed and or breathed in any of that fog, he's be dying from the inside as well as the out.

I took in a deep breath as I looked to Bellamy with sad eyes, he had the same look. He knew that Atom was a goner and the best we could do was to put him out of his suffering. I looked down again before nodding my head and taking in a deep breath, "okay."

"I'm going to help you," I smiled down at him as I ran my fingers through his hair to try and relax him. It was a move my mother had always done with me to get me to go to sleep.

I grabbed his hand with my left and rubbed small circles on the inside of his palm, while my other moved for the knife in my boot. I slide it out with ease and snuck it up to his neck, as my eyes watered I smiled down to Atom and began to hum a lullaby my mom used to sing.

Letting out a deep breath, I plunged the knife into his jugular and than pulled it out. I watched, as tears began to fall from my eyes, the life slowly drawn out of him and his breaths still. He was dead. The fog had done the damage, but I had been the one to end his life.

Three. I have killed three people now.

 I have killed three people now

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