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Octavia and I spent the rest of the day, handing out the rations. Making sure that everyone had gotten some, and that they were in fact eating them. It didn't take long, before people went back for more and soon enough they were all gone. The rations and everyone's minds, they were all hallucinating.

People were stripping their clothes, singing songs, laughing at their own hands, and pretending that they could fly or were talking to themselves. They were all bombed and higher than a kite, there was no way that any of them could believe anything that they saw. I couldn't help but laugh at the geniusiness of our plan, we were going to get Lincoln out of here.

"Okay so now what," Octavia questioned me after she had checked on Miller in the drop ship. He had been the last one, since he was alone and soon enough he'd be as gone as the rest of them.

My eyes flickered around the camp, trying to think of our next move. The sun was finally beginning to set and I knew that the cover of night would be our best bet, but we'd also be cutting it close because I was sure Bellamy and Clarke would be coming back soon.

I watched as another guy, began to remove his shirt and tossed it literally at my feet. It was like a sign, that I should take it and before I knew it, I was reaching down for the tattered piece of clothing. My fingers touched it as my brain begun to work at a fast pace, "okay."

Turning towards Octavia, I handed her the shirt as if deciding our next move. The brunette looked at it, as she tried to figure out my plan, "what am I supposed to do with this?"

I laughed for a moment as if she were joking and when I realized that she wasn't laughing along, I knew she was being serious.

"Oh," I calmed down before grabbing it again, "gather as much of our clothes as you can. To blend him in and I'll find a way out!"

Her eyes lit up at the plan and than she took off into the crowd of drugged teenagers, searching for more discarded clothing. While I, went around the wall, looking for the best exit I could find for Lincoln. With the fact that Bellamy and Clarke would be returning, we couldn't exactly walk him out of the front door, but we could get him out. It was just going to have to be from the back, plus, the thought of knowing another way out only benefitted me for future purposes.

If things around here didn't improve, it would only be time before I'd need an escape to freedom. I had been locked up on the ark for so long and my mind couldn't handle the mear thought of that again. I was beginning to feel as though I was locked up all over again and I just couldn't handle it.

My eyes spotted a small opening in the back, beside the drop ship, not many others were around the area and I was sure I could pry it open enough for Lincoln to get out and close it, as if it'd never been touch. Moving over to it, my fingers began to trace the board as if trying to find a better way of holding on to it. It didn't take long for them to slide between the Gap and I pulled on the board. Sure enough, it moved just like I thought it would.


I froze. I'd been caught and there was no going back; slowly turning around, I saw Atticus hunched over as his glazed eyes looked at me. He must have eaten the nuts as well, because he didn't look quite like his annoying self.

"We need to," he hiccuped and than stumbled forward towards me, "talk!"

Making sure to step away from the wall, as too keep his attention on me and only me, I nodded my head along.

"I'm supposed to protect you," he slurred as he pointed a Stern finger at me.

I wasn't sure what he was meaning, but that could have been because I knew that he was high. For all I know, he could have thought he was talking to someone else, other than me. Than again, Jasper knew who he was talking too...

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