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I want to dedicate this chapter to B3li3v3-dr3ams  for being the first person to vote on any of my chapters! It means a lot to know that you are loving this book! It's been a great confidence boost from you and EVERYONE that is reading it! It's crazy to me how fast this is getting reads and constant ones too!

So feel free to leave me some comments! Tell me how your liking it, how your not, if it's realistic, if it's terrible, etc! I want them all, let me know what y'all are thinking and or would like to happen!

I love you guys, Maddie!

•the return•


Bellamy had shouted my name from behind me, my feet slowed and I turned around for a second as he caught up with me. He hunched over for a moment as he caught his breath and I was hesitant to go on, this was taking to long, whatever I hit was getting away.

"I'll do it, but you need to go back to camp, get a group together and get some food. I'll be okay," I said between deep breaths, I didn't wait for him to respond and took off in the direction we had just been running.

I jumped over logs, dodged tree branches, and moved around the trees as I followed the sound of rushing footsteps. I must have been running for about ten minutes, chasing them. I was catching up and as I got closer I could hear the sounds of groans, which gave me the conclusion that it was definitely human.

That meant a grounder had been watching us, I had thrown a knife at a grounder and was now openly chasing after one. I hadn't really thought this through, for all I knew this grounder could be leading me to a trap or was pulling me deeper into the forest so I would never be able to find my way out.

My feet stopped at that thought; I turned in a circle and looked at my surroundings, trying to make out something familiar or something that would lead me back to camp. I didn't find anything though, I was completely alone and surrounded by trees I had never seen before.

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself. Taking in a deep breath, I tried to refocus my mind at the original task, finding the grounder. Everything was still, no sounds coming from anywhere, no birds, no insects, no wind, and no footsteps. Which left me with two theories, they had gotten away while I had stopped or they in turn stopped and were watching me.

A shiver ran up my spine at the last thought, I swear I could feel eyes on me and as I turned in a circle I tired to find them. They had given themselves away earlier and I had a feeling they weren't going to make that same mistake again.

"I know your out there," I yelled as I spun again. My gut told me they were where here, I just knew it. Suddenly, my thoughts were answered as I was thrown to the ground in pain. I looked to my leg and found the same knife I had thrown sticking out of my left thigh.

"Agghh!" I mumbled to myself, as my fingers touched the knife, just a slight touch had sent my whole leg into agonizing pain. This was for sure a first for me. All the years I had trained with my dad, I had never been stabbed. Sure, I had some cuts, from my grip slipping on a knife or mishandling it, but a full blown stab? Never.

I think if I had been, I probably wouldn't have kept training, this wasn't a fond feeling and it automatically made me think of Jasper. How he must have felt being stabbed in the chest with a spear. I could only imagine that pain, if it was anything like this, it had to have been unbearable and we had just left him there to suffer.

I mentally groaned at myself for telling Bellamy to go back to camp, I was stupid for thinking I could do this on my own. I looked up at the sky and noticed the sun had fully risen now, which meant I had been running on my own for at least an hour. Which meant god only knows how far in I was, so if I were to die and or get stranded out here I doubted anyone would find me for at least another hour or so.

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