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Two days.

Bellamy and Clarke have banned Octavia and I from seeing Lincoln for two days. Which meant they've had him tied up for the same amount of time. To make matters even worst, everywhere I went I had someone trailing not to far behind. Bellamy had people watching me, if I tried to leave camp he'd appear and force me back inside.

I was trapped. I felt as locked up as Lincoln was. I couldn't go and see him, clean his wounds, or go and try to get help for him either. When we came down from the Ark, I got the taste of freedom - the ability to roam and run wild and now, it was being stripped away from me.

"Hey," Atticus tried to talk to me for the twelfth time today. Ignoring him, I continued to stare at the gate - watching and waiting for a chance to run and get my freedom again.

"You guys can't keep me locked up in here," I stated as I plucked the sting grass from the ground.

He took in a deep breath and than plopped down beside me, "we think it is best if you stay in sight, for your protection."

I laughed, "my protection, or so I can't get him help." I was referring to Lincoln, as if I didn't know him. God only knew what would happen if they thought we knew one another.

"Annabeth," Clarke's voice called as she stepped out of a tent.

My head snapped to the side and I took this as a chance to get out of my conversation with Atticus. Standing, I brushed my hands on my pant legs and headed her way. She was holding the tent flap open and lead me inside. Sitting down, I saw that this was the way we had improved our communication with the Ark. it was a screen that now showed us each other through a video chat system.

I was expecting to see someone else, but all I saw was Chancellor Jaha staring back at me with a disapproving gaze. Clarke sat beside me and than placed a head set on, she than signaled for me to do the same. Following her motions, I copied her and than looked back at the screen.

"It's been brought to my awareness that you have made contact with these grounders," the chancellor said as he crossed his hands in front of him.

"You would be correct," I said as I leaned back in the chair.

"Can we trust them," he asked as he looked at the others in his room. This made me become aware of the fact that I wasn't just speaking to him, but to the whole council.

Taking in a deep breath, I sat up and than copied his body language, "no."

"No?" He asked me in shock.

"I thought you said we could," Clarke asked me next.

"That was before," I said not even looking at her. "Before you captures one of their people and tortured him without reason, they will never trust us now."

"What will you do with him than?" One of council members asked aloud.

"Yes, Clarke," I said, turning my full attention to her, "what will you do with him?"

Her gaze flickered between me and than back to the screen before she shook her head slightly, "we will keep him.. for now."

Rolling my eyes, I nodded my head before pressing my lips firmly together. I was trying to bite my tongue in the presence of the others on the line, they didn't need to hear my outburst.

"Tell me about the grounders," Jaha began next, he clearly could see the tension that was beginning to brew between Clarke and I, "can he provide any insight about how to survive winter?"

"We are doing everything we can to prepare here," Clarke said next. She had changed her composure instantly switching back into her leadership role, "we are gathering nuts and berries, curing meat, digging for roots."

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