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Gun shots rang out all around me, I turned my head and saw Jasper was shooting towards the trees ahead of us. It didn't take long for both sides to start attacking after that, Atticus stepped out from his hiding spot and began shooting towards the bridge.

I knew where he was aiming and before I knew it, I had tackled Theo down to the ground. He was dazed by my tackle, I had took him by surprise. I did it to safe him, the bullets hit the side wall of the bridge and we both looked at each other for a moment.

"Clarke look out," Finn called from behind us, Anya had drawn a knife out of her arm sleeve and was about to stab Clarke.

Things were definitely getting out of control, and they were about to end badly. I watched as arrows began to rain down on us, missing my leg by only a couple of inches. I moved to get up, but Theo threw me to ground to his right. I didn't understand why he threw me, until I saw the spear Pierce the ground right where I had been a second ago.

"Move," he yelled towards me and he crawled over to me. We locked hands and began to rise and run for cover, but there was none.

Anya had been shot in the shoulder, throwing her backwards away from Clarke. Clarke jumped out of the way just as an arrow hit the ground where she had been standing. Than Anya took off back for her horse, she and the other grounders left, leaving Theo behind.

We hid behind a large rock as the arrows continued to fly over head. I watched in horror as my friends ran for safety, Finn had gotten Clarke and they were running back towards our side of the bridge. Arrows barely missed them, than Lincoln had protected Octavia by taking one in the shoulder.

The firing died down and Theo and I rose from our spots, watching as Lincoln demanded that Finn take Octavia back to our camp. I found it slightly amusing how ever suddenly forgot about me, but I brushed it off and ran towards Lincoln.

"You've been hit," I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"You need to get out of here, they will be back and they will have war on their minds," Lincoln said as he grabbed me and tried to push me away from them.

Theo looked at Lincoln and nodded his head, "he is right, you have to go!"

"No way!" I yelled at the two of them.

I made my way back up to them and grabbed the end of the arrow still sticking out of Lincoln and pulled it completely out. He gave a small yell at the sudden pain but than sucked it all back in, in a deep breath.

"If you're not leaving, than I'm not leaving," I said as I pointed the arrow at the two of them.

The two before me shared a knowing look with one another, before Theo grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"I'll hold them off, you get her back," Lincoln said as he ran in the opposite direction of us.

Theo ran through the woods with me on his back, jumping over logs, following the sounds of my people. He ran at a fast pace and the whole time, all I did was squirm as much as I could, I didn't like the idea of leaving Lincoln to deal with their people in his own. They were going to brand him a traitor to his own and I just simply didn't like being man handled.

He never stopped running, even after the sun went down. He kept going until we were right outside my camp and that was when we heard the shouting. It was Finn and Bellamy yelling at one another, over what just happened.

After Theo put me down, I pushed him, "that's for leaving Lincoln!"


The group that had been at the bridge came running over towards our voices and once the spotted Theo everyone's guns went up, out of instinct I stood in front of him as he grabbed the sword off of my back.

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