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When I woke up, it was to the sound of a gunshot. I could hear people talking outside of the drop ship, all their voices were laced with concern. Something urgent was happening and I was missing it.

Looking around me, I noticed that I was alone. Bellamy had left me in our corner of the dropship by myself. Sighing, I moved to grab my clothes and began to throw them on. My peaceful moment with Bellamy was over and now it was time for me to return to the world outside of our bubble.

After I was dressed, I began to make my way out if the dropship. It was night still, I either didn't get a lot of sleep or I had slept all through the day. I was betting on the latter, seeing as I hadn't felt this rested in a long time. That had been one of the best sleeps I've had since we came down from the Ark. And it was all because of Bellamy.

When I made my way into the crowd, I noticed a commotion going on outside the gate. I looked around me and saw that everyone else's heads were turned as well, Monty was standing just to my right and I went over to him.

"What's going on," I asked him.

"Woah," Monty jumped after I had snuck up on him, "sleeping beauty is awake."

"Ha.Ha.," I mocked back at him as I crossed my arms over my chest, "what have I missed?"

"The Exodus ship came down, there was a crash. Bellamy and Clarke took a group out to look for survivors," Monty stated as both our eyes were locked into the gate.

So that explained why Bellamy was gone, he was out on a task. I was happy, not at the fact that the Exodus ship crashed, but that Bellamy hadn't just left me. A part of me back there began to wonder if I was just like every other girl he'd been with before, if I was just another tally on his list if lays. Knowing now, that he was out of camp made me feel a bit better about myself.

"Okay, what's going on out there? I heard gunshots," I pointed towards the gate.

"A grounder?" He was asking me, which meant he wasn't anymore sure than I was.

Panic spread through me and I sprinted towards the group outside of camp. There were only two grounders dumb enough to come this close to our gates, and both of them I knew and cared for. If one of our guards had shot them, I was going to loose my mind. The group was all huddled around someone on the ground and I spotted Octavia's head in the middle of it.

Oh God. If Octavia was here, it must have been Lincoln. I pushed the other two boys out of my way so I could see who had been shot and froze when I saw who it was.

"Murphy," I questioned. There wasn't one inch of him that wasn't covered in blood. His eyes were swollen and black, his clothes were all torn to shreds and he looked like he had literally been through hell.

I knew banishing him, would mean he'd have a run in with the grounders, but I never imagined that this would happen to him. I never wanted him to suffer this much and guilt began to eat away at me, this happened to him because of me. Bellamy wouldn't have been as harsh to him, if Murphy hadn't threatened me. I knew indirectly this was my fault he had been tortured.

"Well," I yelled at the boys behind me, "come on and help me get him to the dropship!"

•the return

We were all huddled together, watching him as he shook with fear. This broken down man, wasn't the cocky Murphy we had all known. He appeared weak, his soul beaten out of him.

He barely even let us carry him in, too scared of what we would do to him. Even now, he sat curled up into a ball, trying to hide himself up against the wall. It was such an odd sight to see, to see him cowering away from us all.

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