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After the shock of everything that had just happened, my brain went back to work. My feet jumped me over brush back to where Miles was, I pulled the gun from his hands and quickly pulled the bullets out to count how many the boy had left. Each one of the golden tin bullets was one more chance of him being able to return to camp; obviously he was going to be needing all the help he could get since he could barely walk. 

However, I was torn, I couldn't abandon Clarke and Finn, then again Theo had claimed he was going to get them. I knew he cared about me, that kiss was proof of that, but if he did this for me than that meant he would be going against everything he stood for. He was raised in this world with beliefs and clearly he had secrets, such as family members, that I didn't know. I didn't trust him... well, maybe I did. I wasn't sure. My head told me not too, but my gut told me I could. 

Granted, my gut was telling me to abandon this small injured kid to go help my real friends. Not that Miles wasn't important or anything, but he was already bleeding and it would take him hours, with my help, to get back to camp. Finn and Clarke didn't have hours. On top of that, if there was ever going to be anything between Theo and I, I couldn't let him betray his sister on his own. 


Why did I care about Theo and me. There was no Theo and me, or me and Theo. We were friends, at least we were up until ten minutes ago. We had that fight, but he did basically confess his feelings for me, oh, and that kiss. That kiss was amazing. Bellamy sure hadn't kissed me like that before..


"Oh god," I mumbled out loud as the realization of the situation began to set in. I cared for Bellamy a lot. Like a lot. How could I sit here and compare him to Theo? They were two clearly different people and they both had two clearly different views on... well, everything. 

My hands flew to my head, cradling it in my lap, "I fucked up."

"Annabeth," a cough came from under me. Miles was starring up at me like I was crazy, "you okay?"

"Am I okay," I mocked back to him, "did you not just see what happened?"

"Oh no, I saw."

"Well than you can see my problem," I sighed. "Clearly Theo has feelings for me, duh. But I'm basically with Bellamy. Oh, and Theo's sister wants to kill everyone."

"Look," Miles coughed again, "I'm not an expert in 'love', but I think what someone is would say is, go for the one that cares about you the most." He smiled for a moment and than pointed down to himself, "obviously, life is not granite down here. You don't want to have any regrets."

I sat on to my butt, listening to his words completely, "Woah."

He was right, since the moment we came down here all we've been doing is trying to escape death. I had to think about that and what exactly that meant for me and those around me. There was a chance that I would never see some of these people again, we'd could all die. We were most likely going to die, it was enviable. It was going to happen, and it wasn't going to be when I was old. I'd be young, accepting this helped me to accept the fact that I had a limited amount of time left with these people. 

There was no denying that Bellamy and I had a connection since the first time we saw each other, I don't know what it was, but it was there. Than there was our bounding moment over Murphy's face, he was there when John tried to rub it in my face that I had killed people before. Bellamy understood me, he thought he had killed Jaha - of course, after Raven came down we learned that he didn't kill him. He had always been so protective over me, even if in the beginning it was nauseating, he was still there. Always looking out for me. 

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