Chapter 36- Football v Basketball

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Erika's POV-
As chance and Bryan Le were fighting i noticed that Tessa was trying to stop the both of them from getting physical. She was v drunk. I grabbed Tessa and took her upstairs. On my way up I asked Jake to help me carry her and Tony Chad and Kade tried to rip Chance and Bryan apart.
Jake and I got into one of the upstairs rooms and I told him to sit her in the restroom.
He did and I kissed his cheek and he left.
I grabbed a makeup removing wipe and started to take Tessa's makeup off. Then she did the unthinkable...
She threw up all over herself! I breath out heavily and start the bath. I take Tessa's top off and pants and then get her in the tub.
After i'm done washing her off and her hair, I put her a pink robe and pulled her hair up in a bun incase she threw up again. I payed her on the bed and tucked her in. She quickly fell in a deep sleep.
I left out the door and closed it behind me. I turn around and Jake and Tony were both holding chance.

J: Another one.
E: I'm not bathing him.
Tony: Wait... Did you bathe tessa?!?
E: Yes? ...
Tony: So you....
E: ...
J: Saw her boobs?

I chuckle.
E: Yes. and I soaped them up and rinsed them off! Best day of my life.
J: Can I experience that?

I looked at him in confusion. Tony laughed softly.

J: To you ofc!
E: Maybe later.. We need to get him in bed with T.

The boys nod and I open the door.
We take him to the bath and wash his face and lay him also next to tessa.
We all leave and Jake picks me up from the waist.
J: Bath time!
E: Jake! I still need to host the party downstairs! What y'all do to the other guy fighting with Chance?
T: We kicked him out.
E: Alright then, lets go downstairs.

We went downstairs and we all danced. I danced with Jake a little.
We were grinding on each other and I had felt Jake growing hard behind me. I giggled and kissed his lips lightly. I pull back off the dance spot.
E: I'm gonna get a drink. You want anything?
J: No but i do wanna hang out rn.

He said as he pressed his dick against my butt.
I gasped and walked off to get the drink.
I served myself some punch. It was spiked. Then i felt someone come up behind me. Their arms wrapped around my waist. I turn and smile thinking it was Jake.
It wasn't. It was Some guy named Ricky from the Basketball team. He was trying to kiss my neck. I backed away.

E: What the hell?
R: You're cute. Wanna dance?
E: No thanks i have a boyfriend!
R: Is he here? .. He doesn't have to know.
E: No thanks. I'm good.

I tried to leave his  grip but he wouldn't let me.

E: Can you let go of me?
R: I won't take no for an answer baby girl. One dance. Lets go.
E: Get the fuck off!

I yelled. Everyone looked at me. I looked around for Jake or Tony.
Ricky still had me in his hands. Jake then tapped his shoulder.

R: what tf do you want.
J: I want you to get your hands off my girl.
R: Your girl? She was about to dance with me.
E: I told you that i'm not dancing with you.
R: Whatever!

He shoved me to the ground and i fell on my side. Makenzie and Rocky care to my side. I looked up and saw Jake shoving Ricky.

Tony: Bro LEAVE
Ricky looked at tony and smiled.

R: Who's this your little bitch?
He said as he shoved Jakes shoulder.
Jake shoved him back and it got heated.

Everyone brought their phones out and started recording. The two boys were fighting now. And i didn't know how to stop them.

E: Tony! Chad! Stop them!!

Tony and chad pulled Jake off of Ricky and they both got up from the floor.

Ricky: Fuck you you little bitch!
Jake: YOURE A 6ft4 BITCH (haha fight with Wolfie)


i rolled my eyes.
E: Okay guys party over. It's already 2am. Lets go.

Everyone started leaving and I walked over to Jake. He hugged me and kissed my head.

E: Are you okay?
J: I am now.

When everyone left we all went upstairs. I checked on T and Chance. They were still knocked out. Although Tessa wasn't in the robe anymore..
I closed the door and headed to my room where Jake was waiting for me.
I walked over to him and kissed him and brought him into a hug. He lauded his head on my chest. We stayed like that for a while.

J: I love you Erika.

I smiled.
E: I love you too Jake.


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