Chapter 45- Not anymore...

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Jakes POV-
I made it to Erika's house and saw her car in the front so i know she's home.
I go to knock on the door and she opens it smiling.
E: Hey Rick- Oh. What do you want?
J: Ricky? You're expecting Ricky to come over.
E: Why do you care.

She tries to close the door and i stop it from closing.
J: Because Erika, I'm your boyfriend.
E: Not anymore you're not.
J: Oh really?
E: Yeah, ever since you decided that you'd rather make out with my bestfriend than me..
J: So what? You were gonna have sex with Ricky to get back at me?
E: Oh we were gonna do more than just have sex.
J: Erika, you don't even know what happened.
E: Look, i don't have time to listen to some made up story you thought of on the way here.. Ricky and I are hanging out today.

I froze up and stared at her blankly. A knot started forming in my throat.
She just said she was going to 'hang out' with someone who isn't me.
J: Oh really Erika, well i know you don't like it to rough when you're having sex.
E: Yeah, so?
J: So if this guy shoved you to the ground, when you denied him, imagine how he's gonna he in bed. How forceful he'll make it seem.

She looked at me in annoyance. I came to set things straight but i lost it when she told me she wanted to hang out with Ricky. So i was just gonna play her own game. And beat her at it.
E: Whatever Jake, you can't say anything to change my mind.
J: That may be true, but i can do something to change your mind.
E: What? What could you possibly say or do that'll make me not want to have hot sex with Ric-

Before she could finish I pressed my lips against hers. I kissed her and she kissed back. She started biting my lip and pulling my pants.
I pull back and turn around. I walk out the door and leave, without saying a word.

Erika's Pov-
I was so turned on by Jakes kiss that I wanted to chase after him.
But i didn't. We were broken up again so I just waited for Ricky.
Finally he arrived and let's just say we did a lot more than have sex.
I didn't feel any connection or anything, but i was full of lust.
When Ricky left my house it was almost 11:30 p.m.
I don't think i was in love with him, but i liked having his company. I sent him a pic that we took:

(Just imagine it being rik & banks)

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(Just imagine it being rik & banks)

He sent back a couple of hearts and some dirty text.

I smile and post it on my instagram account, with the caption "R&R💜" for Ricky and Rik.
He immediately commented a couple of hearts back and a "had fun hanging with you tonight"
Just before i reply i get a text from Jake.

J: Two can play this dirty game Erika
E: Good luck 😘

I knew he saw my post. I decide to leave it on my page and not delete it. I go to sleep and dream about how Ricky may be the one.. Maybe.

Next Morning.

I woke up and of course checked my phone, everyone had liked and commented on my post with Ricky. There were some "new mans?" and "aw too cute" even some "goals"
I was flattered then i saw that Jake had also posted a pic with some random chick..

(again pretend that it's Jake and some girl)

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(again pretend that it's Jake and some girl)

He captioned it "Late nights with you >" I get a little salty and roll my eyes. I decided to text Jake and ask him to meet up, so that i can tell him that he's being childish and Ricky and I are going to be serious.

E: We need to talk.
J: Can't hanging with my new chick.
E: Well, i just want you to know, ricky and i are getting serious... So you and i can no longer be a thing.
J: I thought you had already broken up with me?
E: I did.
J: Okay... Well i gotta go, hanging out with my girl today.

I roll my eyes and decide to call Ricky to see if he wanted to hang since Jake and I aren't a thing and Tessa and I aren't friends anymore.

On the phone;
E: Hey babe
R: Hey baby.
E: Wyd today?
R: Working on that social media thing i was telling you about.
E: oh yeah! Well i just called to say i miss you, and i had a lot of fun with you last night.
R: I had fun with you too. Hey I can come over tomorrow.. I'm really busy today.
E: No problem, see you tomorrow.
R: Alrighty babe, see you.

I hang up and roll my eyes. I had absolutely nothing to do.
My phone starts ringing and it's an unknown caller.

E: Hello?
??: Is this Erika Costell??
E: Yes, who is this?
??: My name is Tim. I'm an investor seeking to invest in your company.. Team Ten?
E: Oh yes, uhm.. Of course we'd love to have an investor!
??: Great! And I see you're working with a young man... uh Jake Paul is it?
E: Yes, actually.. Can we set up a meeting?
??: That would be great. I'd love to sit and talk to you both! How's Tomorrow? 5:00??
E: Sounds great!! See you then!
??: I'll send you the address.. bye!

Great, i have a business meeting tomorrow and i really need Jake to help me make a plan for this Team Ten thing.
I decide to call Jake.

J: Uh... Hello?
E: Listen, i got a call from a guy named Tim. Looking to invest in Team Ten. I set up a meeting for tomorrow at 5.
J: Well jeez, thanks for checking with me before scheduling... I had plans.
E: What kind of plans?
J: Not any that concern you.
E: Fine, whatever. So are you going to go to the meeting or not?
J: I don't have a choice do i Erika?
E: Lose the attitude Paul.
J: Fine whatever see you at 5 tomorrow.
E: Actually, pick me up at 4:30. We have so much to discuss.
J: Whatever

I hung up and started working on the plan for this company.

SO HERES ANOTHER CHAPTER TO MAKE UP FOR NOT POSTING FOR 2 DAYS! KEEP READING! Also it would be great if i got ideas! I'm thinking of starting a new book. One that actually matches the real Jerika life...What do y'all think?

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