Part One: The Crush

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It was true, the bubbly pink pony was in love. She knew that one day Rainbow will find out that she was Pinkie's "Secret Crush".
Pinkie Pie woke up, terrified and excited the exact same time. Yes. Today is the day.
Today is the day Pinkie will confess her love to Rainbow Dash.
She zoomed into her room, brushing her teeth and then straightening her mane. With a sudden poof her hair looked nice, but not too nice, just enough messiness and niceness to look. . . Nice.
She trotted downstairs, calming down a bit.
"Good morning, Pinkie!" Mrs. Cake cheerfully said. Huh, that's weird, Pinkie thought. Usually Mrs. Cake is never up this early.
"Mrs. Cake? Why aren't you sleeping in? You know I always open Sugarcube Corner in the morning! Ya know, since your never up? Wh-" Pinkie nervously rambled on.
The baker smiled, "Oh, the foals woke up early and I just fed them. Sorry, Pinkie. I know how much you love opening up the shop. How about you close it today?"
Very disappointing. Opening is, like, one million times better. But it's still okay.
"Sure thing! Didja make something for breakfast?" Pinkie asked, quickly changing the subject.
"Your favorite! Triple-chocolate-chip (with a touch of) whip cream pancakes," Mrs. Cake replied, laying a steaming plate of pancakes in front of Pinkie. The pink pony licked her lips, practically recreating Niagara Falls with her mouth.
"Oh Celestia! Thanks!" Pinkie exclaimed, gobbling them up. "Okay, thanks again! I'm going over to the market to get party supplies!"
"It would be smart to plan it today since me and the others will be visiting Mr. Cakes great uncle's, friend's, cousin. . ." Mrs. Cake insisted.
"Then it's a deal! Okay, love ya bye!!" Pinkie bounced out the front door.
"Streamers. Check. Balloons. Check. Party hats. Check. Extra punch and cake batter. Check. Check, check, check!" Pinkie scanned through her list.
She trotted back to Sugarcube Corner, dropping off her supplies. The Cakes had already left for their trip. In practically two seconds, the whole party was set up, already it being lunchtime.
"Holy hayfeathers! I forgot about lunch with Applejack!" Pinkie gasped, running to Applejack's favorite restaurant.
"Now where is that filly?" Applejack sat alone at a table, tapping her hoof against the top.
"I'm. . . Here!" Pinkie sat across from the farmer panting between words, sweating hard.
"There ya are! Y'all okay?" AJ asked.
"Y-yeah. . . Sorry I was l-late!" Pinkie apologized. Applejack sighed, "It's okay, Pinkie."
"Can I get you two drinks?" The waiter asked. "Umm. . Pinkie will have. . . Chocolate milk? Yeah, um. I'll have an apple cider." AJ ordered. "Sure thing."
As the two ponies sat and ordered food after their drinks, Pinkie thought.
"Hey, um Applejack? I have to tell you something, but you can't tell ANYPONY!" Pinkie demanded. Applejack knew where this was going. "Sure. What is it, sugar cube?"
"Pinkie promise!"
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." AJ swore.
"Cause if you lie to Pinkie Pie, you can kiss your flank goodbye!" Pinkie finished. Applejack was a little weirded out by the ending, but I mean, hey. It's Pinkie Pie!
"Okay Pinkie, what is it?"
"I have a crush on Rainbow Dash!"
Applejack sat there, wide eyed.
Then, she got up and walked away.

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