Part Twenty Two: The Cellar

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Rarity gasped as she bursted through the Sweet Apple Acres House door.

Twilight trotted behind. A scream.


"Please! NO!" Applejack shrieked, thrashing her body violently. Her hooves were tied up, being dragged down the steps to the underground cellar.

"Oh," Pinkamena giggled, tugging on the rope. "You shush, silly."

Thump thump thump.

Panic coursed through the earth pony's veins. Sweet Apple Acres didn't have neighbors, Big Mac is unconscious and who knows what this crazed mare did to Applebloom and Granny Smith.

The cellar was dark, only a run-down refrigerator and a cider case. It smelled stale and a motor quietly hummed. Some pipes stuck randomly here and there.

Pinkamena and her soon-to-be victim reached the end of the stairs. Applejack felt her body being dragged across the splintery floor and a sob escaped her lips. "P-please... Ple... ase..." AJ whimpered.

Pinkamena smiled and tied the rope to a stake in the corner. "You had your chance, Applejackie. But nooooo... You just kept Dashie, you selfish, worthless, stupid little bitch. Now you'll pay!"

AJ felt herself shaking. The ropes dug more and more into her skin as she kicked against the stake. Her tormenter grabbed a baseball bat, hidden in the shadows. The orange pony gasped... A long, steady scratching noise screeched. It was the bat. And it was coming for her.

"No..! NO! Pinkie! Please! I'll d-do anything! PLEASE!"

"It's too late for that, missy!"

Applejack slammed shut her eyes, preparing for the worst.


"Applejack!" Twilight called.

"Uh, dear," Rarity said, a nervous shake in her voice that worried Twi sick.

"I think... I think you should come here." Rarity stood at the top of the stairs, peering down to her marefriend. Twilight looked up and teleported behind, "What?"

Rarity pushed open Applejack's bedroom door...

Revealing a red stallion on the floor, unconscious. Big Macintosh.

"Oh no... Oh no! Twilight! Big Mac! Oh my... Is he... Dead?" The unicorn demanded. Her alicorn marefriend only shook her head, "Let me check."

She pushed pass Rarity into the room. Twilight then leaned down and searched his neck for a pulse, but only found a dart.

"He's not dead."

"Oh thank heavens."

"But, I wouldn't get your hopes up. Big Mac is only one of a few we should be worried about. C'mon,

Let's look for the rest of them."

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