Part Ten: The Dream

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Pinkie stood there, outside of Sugarcube Corner, just standing there.
Half of her should be screaming in joy, Rainbow Dash had kissed her.
Rainbow Dash had kissed her.
The other half of her cried in frustration. Rainbow said she wasn't interested. She hoped in her heart she was.
Rainbow zoomed off, leaving a trail of colors behind. She felt free. The air slipped through her mane, feeling the coolness of Princess Luna's night. Suddenly she stopped.
She landed on a small cloud, realizing what she had done. Rd grabbed her head, slowly coming to realization on what the buck had just happened.
"No. . . no. . no! Nononono!" She felt tears coming. You stupid ass, she thought. Just kissing her like that! You told her you were over her! She thinks you love her now. This is your fault.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" With every word she hit herself in her face.
After awhile, she grew tired of feeling guilty. She stumbled before flying off to her cloud mansion.
Scootaloo, who had moved in a couple months ago, was asleep in her bed. Rainbow Dash collapsed into her bed, kicking the blankets over her. She longed for somepony to be right there, right there beside her. Dash couldn't sleep, tossing and turning until finally, out of her aching body, she fell into a deep slumber.
(Warning: below has rainbow stuff)
In her dream, Rainbow flew. She gyrated and flipped, doing multiple stunts before gliding forward again.
Straight to Sweet Apple Acres.
She inhaled, smelling the sweet taste of apples. Rainbow licked her lips. Apples. She spotted AJ in the middle of the apple field. She landed in front of the orange earth pony, tossing her rainbow mane before speaking,
"Hey, Applejack~" Rd cooed. Applejack turned around, sweating from her hard day's work.
"Yeah, Rainbow?" She asked, almost in slow motion. Dash trotted up to her, their muzzles an inch close. She closed her eyes, kissing her, their lips joining. AJ kissed her back, slowly pushing her down. They laid there, enjoying the moment. Rainbow Dash felt Applejack push it further, her tongue poking through. Rd opened her pink eyes, not only to see emerald green eyes,
but to see crystal blue eyes.
She gasped for air, breaking the kiss. "P-pinkie?!" The pink earth pony licked her lips.
"Dashie! I lo~ove you too!" She forced another kiss, poking her tongue yet again. Rainbow Dash couldn't move, she couldn't struggle. She tried to scream, but instead her tongue joined in too. Dash was being controlled by Pinkie Pie. She could just feel it.
Pinkie giggled, breaking the kiss. Rd didn't understand what was so funny. Pinkie smiled a closed mouth smile. Rainbow stood up, finally gaining control. She tried to speak, but failed. When Pinkie noticed this, she opened her lips,
revealing a row of blood-stained teeth, with Rainbow's tongue hanging from it. Rainbow Dash shrieked, making an animal-like noise. Pinkie spat the bloody tongue on the ground, stomping on it.
"Taste the rainbow!" She laughed. "Dashie! I lo~ove you!" Pinkie once again cheered, pouncing on the petrified Rd. She whipped out a knife from her still poofy mane, balancing it under her muzzle like a mustache. Rainbow struggled frantically, trying to escape this monster. Pinkie smiled, her teeth still caked in Rd's blood. Rainbow yelled, but not a sound was heard.
"I can't hear you!" Pinkie maniacally laughing, placing the knife near Dash's ears. It felt like slicing a hot dog, easy and smooth, finally crunching at the end where the knife usually hits the counter. In this case, it was a bone, not a counter. Rainbow cried, though she felt no pain. The pink torturer popped the ears in her mouth, Rd closed her eyes. She didn't want to see what happened. Pinkie licked her lips.
"How many licks does it take to get the the rainbow center of Rainbow Dash?!?" Pinkie Pie cackled, taking the knife and throwing it, making a satisfying chunk sound as it struck a tree.
Pinkie licked Rainbow's chest, the skin being pulled off somehow.
Like a lollipop.
Rainbow squeezed her eyes shut, only hearing the sound of the monster working away to the "rainbow center".
Finally, Pinkie got to her heart, her heart beating rapidly like there's no tomorrow. She bit it, Rainbow finally opening her eyes to view a joyful scene.
Pinkie had Rainbow's heart in her teeth, with millions of colors spewing out of it. She swallowed it whole.
"Like a gusher!" She giggled, letting it's rainbow juices run down her chin. Dash's view blacked, waking up to Celestia's sunrise.
She sweated, panting. She felt the top of her head.
Her ears were still there.
She touched her teeth with her tongue.
Her tongue was still there.
She felt her heart beating hard.
Her heart was still there,
but it was missing in another way.

Fixing A Pegasus {A MLP Pinkiedash Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now