Part Two: The Party

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"Applejack? Huh?" Pinkie got up from her chair, about to run after her. But of course all AJ could need is some space. Wait- why'd she go? Does she have a problem with fillyfoolers? Oh well, it wasn't Pinkie's business.


At around 7:30 pm, her guests started to show up. Of course first was Twilight, hating to be late anywhere.

"So, is this a random party or. .?" Twilight asked.

"No, silly! Well, yes. . Humph! I don't know. Sorry!" Pinkie replied. "Oh it's okay."

Once her friends showed up, it was time to "Partay"! The six danced and drank and laughed for hours. Finally, around 10:46, Pinkie spotted Rainbow and Applejack having a conversation around the punch.

"Dashie! Hey! Like the party so far?" Pinkie asked, trying to be cool.

"Yeah, Pinkie! You really outdone yourself this time." Rainbow complimented, making Pinkie Pie turn red. Thank Celestia it was dark.

"Rainbow, wanna see something?!" Pinkie asked, hoping she'll say yes.

"Sure!" "Okay! Follow me!~"


Upstairs in Pinkie's room, they sat on her bed.

"Dash," Pinkie softly said, scooting close to Rd. "I-I've liked you for a long time. . ." Pinkie put her hoof over on Rd's lap, making her freeze.

"I love you, Rainbow Dash."

"Pinkie, I-" Rainbow looked in those big, beautiful crystal blue eyes. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash was pulled in for a kiss. Pinkie had waited for this moment ever since they'd met.

Their lips touched, and Pinkie warmed up like fire, rolling onto Rainbow's stomach.

"Pinkie I-"

"Shhh. Let Dr. Pinkie Pie handle this."

Pinkie Pie kissed Rainbow Dash full on mouth, their spit switching. Pinkie poked her tongue through Rd's mouth, their tongues wrestling. Rainbow out her hooves on Pinkie's flanks, moaning and rubbing and partying and kissing and giggling and licking and-

"Pinkie! Stop! Pl-please. . !" Rainbow begged. They soon fell asleep.

In the morning, Rainbow quietly woke up Pinkie.

"Pinkie: About last night."

"Yes-yawn- Dashie?"

"I-I don't like you."

"B-but what about what we did? Didn't that mean ANYTHING to you?!"

"I love somepony else okay?!"

Then Rainbow zipped out the window. Pinkie's mane deflated and she started to cry.

Then she saw her eyes reflecting off a knife on her dresser.

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