Part Eighteen: The Gala

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It had been five weeks after Applejack and Rainbow Dash admitted they were in love to their friends. The Gala was that night. But something terrible was going to happen. They didn't expect a thing to go wrong. But everypony knows The Gala goes wrong every single time.


Rarity and Twilight slowly danced the night away, gazing into each other's eyes.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash slowly danced the night away, gazing into each other's eyes.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie talked at the buffet.

The Cutiemark Crusaders came this year. They explored The Gala with Spike.

Everything seemed wonderful and normal. Until that song came on. Pinkie Pie heard the first notes and jumped.

"Sorry Flutters! Gotta go bye!"


Rainbow held the orange mare right in her hooves. That beautiful face stared into her's. She wanted this to last forever. "I love you, AJ."

"I love ya too, Rainbow."

The cyan pegasus sighed and smiled, leaning into Applejack. The two mares swayed back and forth with the rest of the couples. Suddenly, a hoof grabbed Rainbow. And it surely wasn't Applejack's.

"Huh? Applejack what's t-"

And she was pulled into the crowd. Confused, AJ froze. What had just happened? She looked around but failed to see her lover.


There was no response.

Rd was pulled through the crowd of ponies, occasionaly hearing an "Ow" or something mean as she bumped into ponies.

Finally she reached an open area near the buffet. Fluttershy stood close by.

Before Rainbow stood a glorious Pinkie Pie. "Hey, Dashie! Long time no see, eh?"

She froze. She was kinda scared of Pinkie Pie now. "Yeah... So... Why'd ya bring me here? I'm supposed to be with Appleja-"

Her words were interrupted by a full on mouth kiss. Rainbow immediately backed up, her eyes wide. "What are you doing?!"

"Don't be silly." Pinkie said, scooting close to Dash who sweated nervously. "I forgive you."

Their lips met once again, only to be broken up by Rd.

"PINKIE!" She had had it. This was going on long enough. "FACE IT! I am in love with Applejack! PLEASE STOP FORCING ME TO DO THIS!"

Pinkie only smiled. "Your joking."


She smiled wider.

"Tell me your lying."


She started to laugh.

"That's great to know."

"Y-your insane."

Pinkie's eyes became pinpoints.


Rainbow flew above the crowd as fast as she could. She spotted the orange pony and landed, still sweating.

The crazed pony giggled to herself.

Dashie will be mine after Applejack is gone.


Okay, I know this is rushed. But I'm going on vacation right now and I wanted to squeeze in one last update before I go. Sorrygottago!


Fixing A Pegasus {A MLP Pinkiedash Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now