Part Twenty Nine: The Flick

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Twilight, still sitting back in the bed at the hospital, blinked one eye.

Suddenly she gasped. Her eyes widen. Her mouth hung open. A nurse bursted in, "Princess! What is the matter!"

"I..." She said, struggling to find the words. "I can't remember!"


Pinkamena Diane Pie felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders.


Because a certain pegasus will wake up today. And she won't remember any of the things the horrible monster, Pinkamena, did before.

All morning she smiled, skipping here and there.

It was almost like yesterday when she had lured Dash to her bed, confessed... She knew she went too far. But Pinkie Pie doesn't have restrictions. I can't help myself, she thought.

She smiled when she reached Sugar Cube Corner. Mrs. Cake was sweeping the doormat when Pinkamena yelled "Hey!"

The blue earth pony lifted her head in the noise's direction. A huge grin was scrawled on her face, "Pinkie Pie?"

"Mrs. Cake!" She shouted back. Pinkamena began galloping to the door. She felt her long straight mane and tail flow behind her. They met in no time and Mrs. Cake pulled Pinkie in for a hug.

"We missed ya, Pinkie," she said to the foalnapper. "Come in. Come in!"


In no time Pinkamena was filled with her favorite triple-chocolate-chip (with a touch of) whip cream pancakes, just like the morning she confessed for Rainbow.

It feels like an eternity now that she thinks about it...

Pinkamena winked at Mrs. Cake to clear her thoughts, "Bye!"

"Oh, bye, Pinkie!"

Right when the pink earth pony closed the door, she ran into a sky blue body.

"WHOAH!" They exclaimed, stumbling back. Their face was a mix of shock, relief, and happiness. "Pinkie?"


A light of hope and pure joy flicked in Pinkamena's heart. It had worked. The potion had worked.

Rainbow Dash pulled her in for a hug, "Oh Celestia! I had the worst dream..! I thought it was real b...but..."

She found herself looking into Pinkie's crystal eyes. She saw her own pink ones reflect off.

Then, Pinkamena's biggest dream came true:

Rainbow Dash's lips connected to her's in a kiss.



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