Part Nineteen: The Concerned

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You just wait! Dashie can't you see?

You belong to me. And me only.

And if you can't see that...

Then I'll make you see it...


"Rainbow, y'all okay?" AJ asked, a little frightened. The sight of the sweating pegasus worried her.

"Oh! Um, uh, yeah! She just wanted to... Talk... To me..." Rd spoke careful words slowly, regretting them one by one.

"About what?"

Buck. She wants to know! Dash swallowed hard and placed glances around the crowded room. "Well, she wanted to know what was up. You know, what's up,"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "No, ah don't. Rainbow, c'mon and tell me."

Her heart beat furiously in her chest, trying to escape this mad house. But she must! She must. Tell. Her!

Rd breathed in,

"Pinkie still has feelings for me, alright! And she's going insane and I feel really bad 'cause she got hurt and-" the words poured out her mouth like water off Niagara Falls.

"She what?" AJ roared, leaning closer.

"You know what?" Rainbow Dash began, plastering a fake grin on her face. "Let's just ignore her and enjoy this night."

Putting a hoof around her mare friend, Rd waited for a response. All she got was a sigh and "Fine,"

And they did enjoy the rest of the night... Dancing and eating... Laughing...

But little did that pegasus know what Pinkie Pie was planning for that night...

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