Part Thirteen: The Wings

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Rainbow Dash sat alone at her dining room table, slowly eating her dinner. Scootaloo was with her friends, so it was only her tonight. She sighed before putting her dishes away. Suddenly, a pebble flew through the door, hitting Rainbow.
Pinkie Pie stood below her house, throwing pebbles until the cyan pegasus opened her door. She looked nervous as she flew towards Pinkie.
"Hey, Dashie!" She cheered, her mane still straight. She looked happy, but her mane refused to poof. Rd sighed.
"Hey, Pinkie. What are you doing here-" Rainbow's words were interrupted by a kiss, Pinkie embracing Rainbow as she kissed her hard. Rainbow panicked. She pushed her away, avoiding eye contact.
"W-what's wrong, Dashie?" Pinkie suddenly lost her happiness, her mane matching her feelings. Rainbow Dash was on the verge of tears.
"Pinkie! I don't love you."
Pinkamena Diane Pie was flying. She had wings, and they beated air in and out, making her soar through the sky. Her straight pink mane flowed behind her gracefully, her tail trailing behind. She pushed herself harder, feeling the pain of tiredness. Pinkamena panted, slowly landing on a cloud.
She drank the leftover rain out of the cloud, the water so refreshing. The pink pegasus saw a cyan figure approach, immediately noticing it as the one and only Rainbow Dash. She landed on the cloud next to her. Rainbow smiled, tossing her mane a bit. The other blushed, turning her head around. Rainbow grabbed Pinkamena's face, and gently turned it her way again. The pink pegasus blushed redder this time, feeling herself centimeters away from the cyan one's lips...
Pinkamena slowly pushed Rainbow over, laying on top of her. She felt the warmness of her body, the rise and fall of her chest.
Pinkamena kissed Rainbow Dash hard, her hooves tangled the the pink mane. Rainbow's wings flared out with a pomf. Pinkamena Diane Pie did the same, her wings spreading out. Their tongues danced and wrestled before Rainbow broke the kiss. They laid there for a moment, enjoying each other's warmth. Pinkamena closed her eyes...
And immediately opened them.
Since she was falling.
She fell through the cloud, which made sense since only pegasi could stand on clouds. Pinkamena saw Rainbow on the cloud, holding a bloody pair of pink wings in her mouth. She spat them out, yelling as she watched her fall,
"Earth ponies can't stand on clouds!"
The pink earth pony hit the ground, feeling pain throughout her body. Her vision became blurry as she saw the cyan pegasus invite a orange pegasus on her cloud. The orange pegasus had blonde hair...
I'll kill you...
Then Pinkie's vision went black.

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