Part Eight: The Kiss

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The four friends sat outside the room, only hearing the mumble of the two ponies' voices. The nurse finally got up and knocked on the door.
"Miss Pinkie Pie," Nurse Redheart began. "Can the rest of your friends see you now?"
Pinkie nodded her head, seeing the nurse walk out of the room, probably to tell the rest of her friends. Rainbow sat close to the bed as her friends poured in.
"Pinkie Pie, we're so glad you're alright!" Twilight pranced over to the injured pony. Next thing Rd knew, is that the four ponies crowded around Pinkie. Rainbow Dash couldn't even see her face. She tapped the "wheelchair" and watched it roll two inches, so she tapped it again and watched it go forwards this time. She killed time by messing with her mane, doing stupid stuff that the others didn't see. They were so focused on Pinkie.
After what seemed like forever, the nurse came in, asking the ponies to leave Pinkie Pie, and wait in the waiting room. The disappointed friends walked out one by one, Rainbow Dash being the last. She was halfway through the door, until suddenly,
"Nurse Redheart!" She closed the door, trotting over to her. The nurse gave her a look that said, "what? I need to do something."
"Well," the next thing she spoke was whispered into the nurse's ear. The nurse nodded, and quickly slipped out the door.
"Huh? What did you tell her?" Pinkie asked slowly.
"I told her I wanted to help you." Rainbow flew over to Pinkie Pie's bed. She stuffed her hooves under her back, Pinkie flinched.
"I-it's okay."
Rainbow carried Pinkie to the ground, where she stood confidently. She stuck out her right foreleg, then her left. Then, she moved her right hind leg.
"AUGH!" She collapsed, and her tummy felt as if on fire. She couldn't move her back legs a bit without hurting her stomach. Rainbow helped her up, apologizing a million times. "Dashie, it's okay." She said, as she stood up again.
"Stand still." "Okay." Rainbow lifted up a hind leg, which automatically made Pinkie suck in air, holding her pain in. She laid the pink hoof on the wheelchair, doing the same to the other. Rainbow finally buckled them in, backing up to see her move.
She moved her right foreleg, then her left, the wheelchair inched forward. Both of their faces brightened. When they went to see their friends, they had left. Visiting hours were done. Rainbow thanked Nurse Redheart as she walked Pinkie home. When they got to Sugarcube Corner, it was dark. Luna had made it especially beautiful.
"Thanks for walking me home." Pinkie blushed so hard, her and Big Mac could've been twins.
"No problem." Rainbow said. She hugged Pinkie, feeling her warm fur against herself. She looked at those crystal blue eyes.
"Dashie, I-" Rainbow interrupted by giving her a kiss. Their lips touching, Pinkie, once again, red as a tomato. Rainbow let go.
"I love you too."
And she flew off.

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