Part Fifteen: The Gift

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Rainbow watched Pinkie slowly smile.
She's insane.
The Pinkie Pie you know is gone.
And like that Rainbow flew up to her home, trying hard to forget what she just saw.
Pinkie Pie looked up, seeing Rainbow Dash disappear into her cloud mansion.
"Aww, Dashie! Come back! Don't be afraid! I still love you!"
No reply. Pinkie Pie knew Rainbow still loved her, Rainbow was just denying it.
Let her have her privacy, Pinkie thought. She needs some alone time...
The pink earth pony rolled over to Sugarcube Corner, smiling happily. Her mane wasn't straight anymore, since on her way home she thought about how Dashie still loved her... Celestia! It just made her so happy.
Mr. and Mrs. Cake were at the front counter, noticing her mane and her happy smile. They didn't ask about it, since that might ruin her mood.
Pinkie rolled to the bottom of the stairs, putting a hoof on the first step when Mr. Cake asked,
"Need any help, Pinkie Pie?"
"Nope! But thank you, Mr. Cake!"
The puzzled couple watched as Pinkie struggled up the steps, one by one. It was indeed a painful workout (which also set fire to her stomach), but she didn't give up.
When she got to her room, she collapsed onto her bed. She giggled, thinking about her Rainbow Dash...
...about her Rainbow Dash.
Pinkie smiled and looked down at her chest, seeing the upside down RD stitched onto her heart.
She suddenly tore them out, laughing as she tore skin and the wound reopened. With every breath, it hurt. She smiled and looked up at the ceiling, wishing Dashie was there... To comfort the pain... Dashie...
"Ohhh... Dashie!" She moaned, rubbing herself. She bit her bottom lip, imagining it really was Rainbow Dash. She stuck the tip of her hoof inside, feeling all around.
"Daaassshhhhii-" her playtime was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door. Pinkie panicked and wiped her hoof on her bed, still thinking how she could cover up RD.
She pulled the covers up to her chest and yelled,
"Come in!"
The one and only Rainbow Dash stood in her doorway, almost glowing. Pinkie smiled.
"Aww! Dashie! You came to visit me!" Rainbow said nothing, she didn't even smile. The cyan pegasus walked up to Pinkie Pie, standing besides the bed. The pink pony stared off into space in those amazing pink eyes. She snapped back to reality as she saw a flash of rainbow fly out the window. A cyan feather floated and landed on the window.
Pinkie got up and walked to the window, picking up the feather. She looked out the window, seeing her love glide in the air, crying. Pinkie smiled, knowing that Rainbow cried for Pinkie.
...wait. Why? Oh well, it didn't matter to Pinkie Pie. Suddenly Pinkie jumped.
She had just walked, walked to the window without pain! She gasped, then giggled, still holding the feather. Pinkie whispered,
"Thanks for the gift, Dashie!"

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