Part Twenty: The Ride

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Pinkie Pie carefully slid the knife into her saddle bag, next to other supplies she'd might need. Finally, the mare placed the bag on her back. She smiled.

Then she started to laugh.

"Applejack~" Pinkie whispered, climbing out of her window.

"Watch out. Dashie's mine."


Twilight, Rarity, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow, and Applejack sat in the chariot.

"Thanks, Rare, for the wonderful time," Applejack said, scooting closer to her mare friend. Rainbow smiled nervously at the gesture, "Yeah, thanks."

"Why, you're so very welcome!" Rarity replied. "But it's such a shame Pinkie Pie had to leave early."

The thought of that insane mare widened Rd's eyes. She hoped she wasn't sweating.

"Rainbow," Twilight started, leaning forward. "Are you okay? You don't look too well..."

Rainbow jumped as the chariot made it's way over a rock.

"O...Of course I am! Why wouldn't I be?" Dash lied, making that grin.

"Oh okay," said Fluttershy. "It was worrying me too,"

The room filled with an awkward silence. Rainbow only looked at her cyan hooves in front of her. Applejack leaned against the pegasus, hugging her arm tight. Fluttershy leaned up on the side of the transportation device, feeling the bumps and curves her way home. Rarity snuggled herself into Twilight, who, apparently, was also being snuggled by Spike.

Then the chariot screeched to a stop...

... And brought Applejack closer than ever to Pinkamena Diane Pie.

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