Part Thirty: The Safety

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AJ screamed. Another nurse rushed into her room, "Miss? Is everything okay?"

"No! I c-can't 'member nothin'!"

"Ma'am, please calm yoursel-"

And Applejack screamed again.



The only emotion that Pinkamena felt. Pure joy replaced blood. A yummy fragrance filled the air. Dashie.

Pinkamena closed her eyes and hoped the kiss would last forever. She dug her hooves into Rd's multi-colored mane, feeling Dash put her own on her hips. Oh, she thought. Oh.

Rainbow broke it and looked into the insane mare's blue eyes, "I never really realized how much I'd miss you if I lost you, Pinkie."

Warm tears of relief soaked Pinkamena Diane Pie's eyeballs. Her lips curled into a smile.

"Can we talk more at my place?"


Leaning into Rainbow's shoulder, the smiling pony and her friend walked towards Sugar Cube Corner.

"Are you happy?" Pinkamena asked quietly. Rainbow replied with a puzzled, "Of course."


"Because right now I'm with you."

A pause. "Did you think the things that happened in your dream were real?"

"At the moment. But then I remembered you are Pinkie Pie, not an insane Pinkamena Diane Pie."

"But what if I did go crazy?"

Rainbow Dash thought for a moment before answering, "Well, there would be a reason behind it... I can't stand tr fact I believed you did such horrible things, Pinkie."

"Oh," her eyes filled with water. She felt like a hollow log; all the emotions gone.

A quick kiss on the cheek snapped her to reality. Pinkamena looked up at the pegasus she admired- obsessed over, even- and returned the favor. All was quiet on their walk home. Pinkie Pie gently touched two letters scarred into her skin over her heart.

Dashie was finally her's, so why did Pinkie feel so soulless?


"I remember in my dream," Dash said in a shaky voice. "That I almost killed you..."

This surprised Pinkie. Wasn't she the one who almost killed her friends? Then again, that would explain why Dash was scared Pinkamena was dead...

"How?" She asked, sitting down on her bed. They were upstairs in Pinkamena's room.

Rd shook her head slowly, "Well, in my dream, I told you to go away after you almost killed our friends, I threw a knife at you but it didn't meet apparently. I was scared... I k-killed you..." She joined her pink friend on the bed.

Rainbow scooted close to her and laid her head down on Pinkamena Diane Pie's lap, letting her pet her mane. "Dashie, you don't have to be scared anymore. You and I are both safe."

"I-I know..."

And Pinkamena did know too.

And the only thing that mattered now was Rainbow Dash was in her hooves. She will never be let go.

Applejack won't love her.

Twilight won't hate them.

Things were different, but now they have changed. And they'll stay that way.

As long as I'm with you.


Fixing A Pegasus {A MLP Pinkiedash Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now