Part Twenty Seven: The Book

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"T-twilight..?" Rainbow began, her voice so quiet she was surprised she could hear it.

The cyan pegasus, fresh out of tears, poked and shoved the bloody beaten alicorn. "C'mon, Twi! Get up!"

Twilight coughed and opened her eyes.


Pinkamena Diane Pie ran. She ran like her life depended on it.

Her flat mane flew behind her head like a pink flag. No tears- only determination. Her saddlebag jumped on her back. She only grunted with effort saying "Forgive me" now and then.

The pink earth pony took struggled breaths when she reached two gigantic shiny doors.

Twilight's castle...

"Push!" Pinkamena whispered to herself. It wasn't that hard to open the doors, but she was tired and her hooves burned. Finally, they swung open and cool air hit her.

Don't think just go, she thought.

Once again, Pinkamena galloped. She's often visited the castle before this chaos began. Running down the hall, she panted.

She turned left. Right. Right again and then straight forward.

The pink earth pony stood in the dark silence. She was smiling.

Not an insane smile, her unusual happy smile. Pinkamena was in front of Twilight's library. Now I need that book...

With no fear, she headed for the "S" section for a spell book. Adrenaline rushed in her veins. There was so much of it. She wondered if it was a physical liquid of some sort, it would probably choke her. She trotted up the aisles searching for the spell book.

Pinkamena gasped, "There it is!"

She pulled the dusty book off it's shelf and frantically flipped through. While she did that, she quietly muttered, "Memory wipe... Memory wipe... Definitely not... Nope... Memory wipe..."

With a burst if excitement she landed on a page entitled Memory Wipe.

It's contents included how to perform the spell and a potion for it. Pinkamena already had the materials/ingredients for it in her saddlebag.

Taking them all out, she smiled and said aloud, "She'll forgive me..."

Fixing A Pegasus {A MLP Pinkiedash Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now