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Alex's P.O.V

I woke up at the brightness of my phone. Somebody had sent me a message. I also noticed that mine and Demi's hands were still connected.

Anyway I lower the brightness and read the text message.


You thought you'd get rid if me so fast you little bitch? Well if you thought that you were wrong. You fat bitch. Oh and talking about fattens what did you eat a whole plane? Haha just warning you. And stop staying with that other fatso Demi right? You thought u liked her well wrong again. See ya at one of her concerts bitch.


What the fuck was that. OMG that girl doesn't know when it's enough does she. I hadn't realized that I was crying until Demi spoke.

"What's up baby girl you ok? Why're you crying?" she looked at me really worried.

But before I could speak Demi grabbed the phone out of my hands and started reading the text.

"Who is this? Is this the girl from the mall? I knew something was wrong with her."

Okay one advice don't be around Demi when she's mad. Just saying coz I'm experiencing this right now and it's not good.

"Umm you aren't letting me answer anything." I said but broke down and started crying again.

"Sorry baby girl I'm just still so mad. Why didn't you tell me before?" she looked at me curiously. And she got of her bunk and climbed into mine.

"I-I was j-just s-scared I g-guess." And I really was. I was scared that if I told Demi she would put out her protecting side and I didn't want this to turn into anything huge.

"Just one word. Brave. Don't ever be scared or shy or anything speak up and don't let others push you around."

"Thanks Dems I really needed this."

"Hey how about calling Bardha with us on tour. She can come whenever she's free."

"Really you think so?" She nodded meaning she was a 100% sure of what she was saying. "Thanks Dems."

"No problem baby girl. How about getting some more sleep I'll sleep with you this time. Oh and we'll change your phone number tomorrow."

I nodded tired and not trusting my words a lot. I snuggled closer to Demi and slowly drifted into sleep.

(Surprise. I guess you didn't expect this. This is one of the shortest chapters but I was really happy today and I'm really hyper right now so yeah. Just kind of a filler. Anyway it's midnight here and I should probably go to sleep. I love you all have a great time. Kisses)

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