First kiss

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Alex's P.O.V

There are gonna be over a thousand people watching me. What am I gonna do.

I have anxiety attacks when I'm around a lot of people. I can't do it I can't get out of here.

I ran to the door and locked it. After a few seconds I found myself at the corned curled into a ball.

What if they hate me.

Hate is a strong word but people do that. Just a little word can effect peoples lives. Just one word can make them attempt suicide.

What am I talking about. I can't seem to focus.

"Alex sweetheart are you there?" Demi said from the other side.

She can't see me like this she can't think I'm a loser and a wimp. She always calls me her warrior.

"Alex pleas open the door." She spoke now worried since she didn't get a reply.

I slowly opened the door and ran back to my corner.

"Baby girl what's wrong? Are you ok?" she looked at me. Those big brown eyes comforting me.

"Yes I'm jus.... scared." I said in a whisper tone.

"Alex it's gonna be ok. And plus I know you have anxiety attacks but when you are up there it's gonna be perfectly fine. Just think about your brother and mother and your dad. Do it for them please?"

I just slowly nodded and before I knew it we were on stage.

Demi's P.O.V

When I brought Alex on stage I felt a little bad. She seemed tensed. Really tensed.

"Ok guys this girl here means the world to me and you are gonna find out why tomorrow. Any who she is gonna sing nightingale with me tonight and it's dedicated to her brother."

I can't sleep tonight

Wide awake and so confused,

Everything's in line

But I am bruised.

I need a voice to echo ,

I need a light to take me home

I kinda need a hero,

Is it you?

I never see the forest for the trees,

I could really use your melody,

Baby I'm a little blind I think it's time

For you to find me.

Can you be my nightingale?

Sing to me I know you're there

You could be my sanity

Bring me peace

Send me to sleep,

Say you'll be my nightingale.

Somebody speak to me

Cause I'm feeling like hell

Need you to answer me,

I'm overwhelmed..

I need a voice to echo

I need a light to take me home,

I need a star to follow

I don't know ...

I never see the forest for the trees,

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