Another bad day

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Alex's P.O.V

It's been two days since Harry kicked me out and Amelia came. She is leaving today and I hate it.

We were all cuddled up on the couch watching tv and eating junk food.

At this very specific moment we were fighting over the remote control. Someone accidentally pressed a button and 1D came up.

"Hey girls watch this." Bardha said. Not in the mood to watch it but anyways.

*So Harry? Are you dating anyone right now?* the interviewer said.

*I was with a stupid girl. It was the worst decision ever but it's over* he said.

They quickly closed the tv. I was left there with a shock on my face.

"I guess I was wrong we shouldn't have watched that." Bardha said.

I didn't care less. Actually I did but I didn't want to show it.

"I just need some time alone." I got my jacket and left.

Great way to show I didn't care. OMG

Why did he say that? Was that what he was thinking all along ? I couldn't stop the questions from flooding in my mind.

I just kept walking not even knowing where I was going since we were still on tour.

While walking I had a lot of time to think of what actually was happening.

While walking I accidentally bumped into someone. When I look up I see a boy.

Let me rephrase that a hot boy. His gorgeous eyes and his lip ring and his amazing muscles.

"Sorry I wasn't looking." I say looking at the ground.

"It's ok sweetheart. What's your name?" he said in a deep accent.

"Alex." I said looking up this time.

"Luke. And aren't you Demi's daughter?" he said.

Wait Luke like Luke from 5sos you gotta be kidding me.

His gorgeous smile and that glow in his eyes starts showing. I'm slowly dying please help.

"Hello earth to Alex. And stop staring at me I know I'm gorgeous."

"Don't give your self hopes. And yes I'm Demi's daughter. And I have to go." I said and ran away.

I ran until I found heaven in front of me. I mean Starbucks. Me and Demi used to drink this everyday.

OMG Demi is gonna kill me. I reach for my phone and guess what for my luck it was not there. But I remember putting it in my pocket. I found my wallet so I decided to buy a drink.

I went in and there were more people than I expected. I saw a little girl coming a little closer. She looked familiar.

"Hi can you please help me? I'm lost." The little blond haired and blue eyed girl said.

"Of curse. Who were you here with?" of course I helped her. I mean who wouldn't. She was so cute.

"My brother. He always forgets me places and I have to ask for help. It's annoying." She said rolling her eyes.

"That's not good how about a drink and you can tell me a little more about you and we can find your brother?"

She slowly nodded and we went to order. After a few minutes of talking I found out she was the sweetest girl in the world and that her brothers name was Luke.

Just then someone touched me from behind. I turned and saw Luke. He started staring at the girl. That's when I made the connection she was Luke's sister.

"How dare you forget her places are you stupid?"

"Actually no I was gonna go get something and come back and also here's your phone you dropped it."

I knew it. I put it in my pocket before I left. I checked and saw 2 missed calls from Demi.

"I gotta go. And darling you can come and play with my sister whenever you want. And you Luke aren't invited." With that I ran out.

I kept walking and I finally found the hotel. There were a lot I f people surrounding it. I was guessing fans so I did the trick Demi told me. I started screaming like a fangirl and got through. I showed the manager my ID and he let me through.

That was clever I know. I went up in my room and the girls kept looking at me like crazy.

"What?" I looked at them even weirder.

"We thought you went to the hospital." Bardha said.

"Ok first where's Amelia, second what the fuck are you talking about and third where's Demi and Anna?"

"Well first Amelia left Demi drove her to the airport. Second Anna is at the hospital because she ate something that gave her an allergy and that also explains the third." Maddie said.

"Whaaaat come with me we are going to the hospital. And if you're gonna ask why I can't go alone and Demi told you to stay here well I have no car or license and I have no idea where I am so let's go." I just grabbed them both and went out.

Well this day's been a rush.

( Hola guys. I know the worst chapter ever and very late. You guys I just started school and they thought it was fun to give us a lot of homework on the first day. Ughhhh I don't like my teachers. Anyway I'm so so sorry. But I promise I'll try to update at least once a week. And I wrote that Luke from 5sos has a sister idk if he actually has a sister so sorry if he doesn't it's just for the sake of the story. Ok enough with explanations for any questions ask me. And also thank you for 1k you guys are the best. Well bye for now.

-Steph )

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