I hate you

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Lauren's P.O.V

Alex jumped on me making me feel scared but just then everything went away when I saw her face full of tears.

I bombarded her with a thousand of questions but she was having another anxiety attack. I calmed her down and gave her her pill.

She had a huge bruise on her face. What hat happened. I was gonna kill whoever did that. They're gonna pay.

"Alex honey wanna tell me about it?"i try to make her talk a little. But she shakes her head. "C'mon I've heard it makes you feel better. Please for me?"

"Fine just for you but promise you won't tell anyone. I'm trusting you a big secret." I slightly nodded. "Well after we went our separate ways from the hospital we went at Bea's house for a sleepover. After a few hours. Forgot I had my pills at the hotel room and we didn't have any clothes. That's me Anna and Maddie. I went back with a taxi and Natalie opened the door. She said she was gonna buy some stuff and would be right back. When I was just about to leave the door opened. I thought it was Natalie but I smelled alcohol. Demi came in, I asked her what happened but she said bad things and slapped me. Natalie came in and say Demi on the bed and I ran away and came here."

She said catching her breath. Wow I thought Demi was past that in a long time.

"It's ok sweetie don't worry. Why don't you sleep here tonight?"

"Ok. Wait no Anna and Maddie I have to go. Can you give me a ride please."

"Sure whatever you want." I felt so close to this girl. And everyone says we look alike.

"Wait before do you have make up?" I nodded. "Can you cover my bruise I don't want them to see this."

"Sure let's go."

Alex's P.O.V

After she covered the bruise we got in the car. I made sure I had everything. We were on our way now.

You didn't think I forgot about my sister and younger aunt did you? I'm the older one I'm supposed to be responsible.

And besides I don't want them to get worried. Also let me tell you something. I'll try to keep them away from Demi as much as possible but don't tell this to anyone.

It's a secret.

"We're here. Let me take you to the door." Lauren said taking me out of my thoughts.

"I can walk to the door but I'll let you do that thank you." I responded with a big smile.

I knock slowly in case anyone is asleep.

"OMG where were you? You got me worried sick. Oh hi Lauren wanna come and stay for a little?" Bea said as soon as she opened the door.

"Umm I was waiting for a taxi it never came so I called Lauren if she could give me a ride. And Lauren can you please stay?" I said answering I hope everything and doing my puppy dog eyes at Lauren.

"I think i can stay a little." She said and came in.

Demi's P.O.V

I woke up with a killer hangover. I had a really big headache from last night. I'm so stupid.

"Oh you're up start explaining now." Natalie said looking at me.

"What?" She looked at me dead serious. "Ok look I got really depressed last night. About Alex having an anxiety attack and stuff. Maybe I'm not ready to be a mother. I saw a lot of hate on twitter. I got depressed and went to get a drink. I guess I got really drunk and I don't remember anything else." I said catching my breath.

"Really? You got depressed? What about your girls Demi? What about them? Don't be so selfish." Natalie said.

"What about my kids? Well I'm not planing on telling them this. First Anna is still little and Alex has a had an experience like this and I don't want her to think I'm like her dad." I said now getting irritated.

"Well since you didn't get it let me refresh it. Or let me put it in another way. Alex was here last night to get her pills and she saw you drunk also you slapped her and said bad stuff to her. Thank good I was there an stopped you before anything else happened." Natalie said.

She must be kidding me. Alex was here? What? She saw me? OMG she'll hate me now. I better call her and explain. Wait what should I say that I got depressed for having kids and got drunk?

That'll hurt her even more. Where the fuck is my phone?

"What are you doing now? You also have a show tonight stupid and you promised Alex to sing with you nightingale for her brother." Natalie reminded me another thing I had totally forgot of.

"I'm calling Alex. What does it look like I'm doing?" I say. I finally found my phone yes.

Alex's P.O.V

"Ok what are we gonna play?" I say now completely bored.

But the event still playing in my head. Lauren spent the night over and now it's almost 1pm. We have been playing and watching movies and stuff.

"Umm I don't know. How about prank calling?" Lauren said.

"Yethh me like prank calling." Anna said.

"Hahah ok then Anna and Lauren whatever you say. Let's use my phone." Maddie gave us her phone.

Bea as always was still sleepy. She just woke up about 15 minutes ago.

*maybe you shouldn't come baaaack* the music of my ringtone started playing.

Yes I putted that song as my ringtone. It was by Demi for Demi.

And also Demi was calling. I ignored her call. She called a few times in a row and I ignored them.

"Why are you ignoring Demi?" Maddie asked. Shit she saw her caller id.

"I'm not ignoring her the first times it wasn't her it was a friend. And I wasn't in the mood to talk to her. And now I accidentally pressed the wrong button." I say trying to change the truth.

"Alex Demi is calling me now do you wanna talk to her?" Bea said.

I'll just take it go outside her her out and get in here again. I don't want to get suspicious.

"Umm yeah sure. Thanks Bea." I say and she just nods.

"Hello OMG Alex thank good. Please i need to explain please." Demi said on the other side.

"No you don't need to. I get it you got depressed and went to get a drink and got drunk." I say.

"How do you know that?" she says.

"Demi I've known you like forever I used to be a lovatic okay? Look you may be my adoptive mother but you'll never be my mom. Anna may want you but don't expect me to forgive you like that. You knew about my dad. You are the only one but you still did that. Anna and Maddie can stay with you I'm gonna stay at Lauren's house until she leaves. I HATE YOU." I say and hung up.

Ok I kinda overreacted but she scared me for life last night. I don't hate her I'm just scared. I get too attached to people and then they leave me at the end. First dad then my stepdad, mom and brother.

The only person I can believe is myself. They always say me myself and I right?

I just don't want to lose another one of my family members. I don't want to be broken again. I just can't.

I brake down. I had my phone with me so I dialed...

(Heyyyy. Cliffhanger 😜. Sorry for not updating for so long. I've just been so depressed and sad and I don't know how to explain it. I hope this will be a better week and my birthday is next week can't wait. OMG so excited. Anyway how are you guys? for anything ask me on ask @ffmebellarina or message me here or twitter @dreamcametrue14 I love you all guys. You keep me strong. 😘😘 )

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