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          "Hey there LadyBlog! Here at the Eiffel Tower, Ladybug has made an appearance. She's been here for maybe ten minutes or so, and there's no akuma to my knowledge. Let's get the inside scoop," She turned the camera to capture Ladybug in the frame. "Hi Ladybug!" Alya shouted up at the superheroine, who in return looked her way. A smile played on her face, and she swung down to meet the blogger. "Could I get a quick interview?" Ladybug chuckled.

"Another? I've given you three this month already," she joked.

          "Oh please!" Although the camera didn't catch it, Alya gave the biggest puppy-dog eyes she could muster.

"Oh, Alrig-"

          "What are you doing here? Is there an akuma?" Only three individuals knew that she wasn't asking as a worried and confused civilian. She was asking as a fellow hero.

"Well, I don't know if I should say... but, I'm waiting for Chat Noir, Carapace, and Rena Rouge. I've got special information for them."

          "And what's that inf-"

"For hero's ears only. Now, anything else?"

          "Oh yeah, just one. Who's your favorite out of your team?" Ladybug looked frazzled for a minute, then smiled.

"Alya, Chat Noir is my favorite. He was my original partner, and we've always got each other's backs. Buuuut, if I were being honest, having another female hero is nice. There's that ounce of trust Rena and I share that Chat and I lack, and that is the information of being the same gender. We can help ourselves with girl problems that Chat and I can't talk about. And, yes LadyBlog viewers, even Ladybug has girl problems," She smiled and continued to speak. "Sorry Alya, I've gotta split. Meeting the team in ten minutes. Bug out!" Alya watched as Ladybug ran towards the tower, and swung to the top. "You heard her LadyBloggers! I wonder what that secret information is. Tune in nest week for my short documentary on the hero, Carapace!" Alya ended the recording and began to upload it to her blog. Looking around, she saw a portable bathroom. Well, it's the best I got, she thought as she entered the bathroom.

          "Pee yew! It reeks in here! Why do you always choose the grossest places to transform?" Her kwami, Trixx, complained.

"Aww Trixx, it's not that bad. And anyways, we won't be here long," She said, smiling at the small fox.

          "Just say the words to get us out of here!" Alya sighed.

"Trixx, let's pounce!" A familiar orange glow surrounded Alya's body, changing her clothes into a spandex suit. Her hair grew in length, and the tips became white. A mask covered half her face, and a flute appeared on her back.

           As soon as Rena Rouge was underneath the Eiffel Tower, she had a crowd of Parisians surrounding her. It was nice, knowing that she had a following, but it just made it hard to go out as her heroine persona. "Sorry guys! I've a meeting with the team, can't stay today," She heard the displeasure of the crowd as she began to climb the structure of the tower. As she neared the top, the crowd erupted in cheers, and she knew Chat Noir had reached the base of the tower. Only thing, is that he would stay a while. Ladybug was sitting on the rail of the tower, swinging her yoyo back and forth rhythmically. By the looks of it, Carapace was going to be late again. Figures. Rena continued to climb, and sat on the very top of the tower. She pulled out her flute and played a song she'd been working on. The tune floated through the air and bounced with vibrancy. Ladybug looked around for the source, her eyes landing on the vixen heroine. She signaled for the fox to come down. Rena Rouge obliged, finding her way down to her colleague.

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