Chapter Thirty-Four: The Clash of Miraculous

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Alya watched from the top of the tower as her friends went head-to-head against Hawkmoth and Mayura, unable to do anything. She would have cried out to alert them of her position, but she was freezing, and lacked the energy to do anything other than shiver and grip her arms. She saw Queen Bee and Ladybug launch their stringed weapons at Mayura, attempting to disarm her, then her eyes moved over and caught onto him. Carapace stood with his shield held in front of him and Chat Noir, who were fighting Hawkmoth, who looked quite strange to Alya. "Trixx." She cried out hoarsely, wanting to help her friends. Then it hit her, why Hawkmoth looked so weird. He had combined his own miraculous, and Trixx. Her heart panged as she imagined Trixx being forced to work against her will.

"Bring it, old man!" Chat Noir screamed at Hawkmoth. He pulled his baton from his back and extended it, using it like a sword against Hawkmoth's own blade. The weapons clanged together in a symphony of sounds, metal on metal. The two men wielding the weapons would push back and rebound their attacks, but they were locked in constant conflict. It ended with Hawkmoth pulling his staff from his back and shoving his son to the ground. Chat's arm hit the railing as he fell backwards, the sound of it echoed throughout the tower. Carapace ran to help Chat Noir, only to be kicked away, his shield skidding under the railings and off the Eiffel Tower.

"You may be my son, but I need my wife. I need Emilie." He sounded like he was about to break down in tears, but it went away as soon as it started. "There's a million kids like you, Adrien. There's only one Emilie." He stepped towards his son with his weapon in front of him, ready to attack. Chat Noir looked over at Ladybug and Queen Bee for help, but they were about to be pushed off the Eiffel Tower by Mayura.

"Dad." He choked out. There was a moment that Alya though he would be okay; that Gabriel would throw his knife down, and all would be well. That was not the case. At least she wasn't the only one to see it.

"Adrien!" Ladybug had looked over at the exact moment that Hawkmoth's blade had imbedded itself into Chat's shoulder.

"Stop moving so I can make this quick!" Ladybug looked backwards and did what Mayura had been trying to do for ten minutes: she threw herself off the tower. Using her yo-yo, she swung under the platform and came up on the other side, where Chat Noir, Carapace, and Hawkmoth were.

"Reaaaaaah!" Ladybug screamed as she kicked Hawkmoth off Chat Noir. "Lucky Charm!" she threw her yo-yo up into the sky the moment Hawkmoth fell to the ground. Two rings fell out of the sky and landed in Marinette's spotted hand.

"Ladybug!" Carapace had retrieved his shield and was running to assist. "What are those?" he asked, gesturing towards her lucky charm. Now that she thought about it, they weren't spotted like all her other luck charms had been in the past.

"No idea. I'm guessing these aren't significant to you?" he shook his head and went to help Chat Noir up. Hawkmoth still had yet to get up. Suspicious. Ladybug heard a scream, and turned to see Chat tearing the knife out of his shoulder.

"M'Lady-" he gasped as blood seeped out of the wound, staining his black costume maroon. Ladybug ran to him, forgetting that Queen Bee was left fighting Mayura alone.

"It's okay. I'm here. You're alright." She shushed him, pushing the hair off his forehead.

"Chloe. Help her... g-go." He regretfully pushed her off him, the warmth she had given leaving him along with her. She nodded and threw her yo-yo around Mayura and launched herself at the super villain, forgetting to ask Chat about the rings.

"No. No, leave me alone! I don't want anything to do with you!" Ladybug heard Queen Bee shout as she kicked Mayura in the gut. There was a blue outline around her eyes.

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