Chapter Twenty-Four: To the Rescue

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"T-that's impossible!" Adrien cried. "We were nowhere near my house, and my father can't be Hawkmoth. He's been akumatized before!"

"There is no reason to believe that he was not just covering his tracks. Hawkmoth is an intelligent man. He would pick up on the fact that we suspected him." Adrien stood up straighter.

"You think my father kidnapped countless Parisians, and tortured them to the breaking point? You think, that my loving father would put me and all my friends in danger to make a freaking wish?" Adrien was fuming. How could this man, just come into his life, and accuse his father of tyranny?

"Young man, ple-"

"My name is Adrien. A-D-R-E-I-N. And my father isn't Hawkmoth." Adrien walked out the paneled door, slamming it behind him.

"Thank you master. Adrien!" Rena Rouge and Chloe ran after their friend. They never reached him. He got into his car, and was drove back to his mansion. There was a police officer inspecting Chloe's car, which behind the spot that Adrien's bodyguard had vacated.

"Rena, please, do you have your license?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I need you to detransform and pretend my car is yours."

"Um, why?"

"I don't have my license. My father never allowed me to get one. He said that I would always have someone to drive me around, but we don't have the money to do that anymore. Please. I'll transform and go scouting." Chloe gave Alya the biggest puppy-dog eyes. How could she say no?

"Fine. You need to get it soon though." Chloe smiled, threw her car keys at Rena, and slipped into an alley next to Fu's. A yellow light came from the alley, and Queen Bee came walking out. "I'll take it to your hotel." Chloe nodded and threw her trompo towards the Eiffel. Rena Rouge walked into the same alley that Chloe had just transformed in, and did the exact opposite.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Chloe's my friend. Breaking the law is one thing, but letting your friend get busted is another."

"We're talking about what is morally correct here? If we are, we would let her get caught."

"Trixx... shh." Alya walked up to Chloe's car, the officer was still examining it. Alya pulled sunglasses out of her bag, and slid them on her eyes. She walked up to the car and pretended like the officer was not even there. She opened the door, sat in the seat, and turned the key. The car roared to a start, the seats becoming warm with excitement. Alya didn't even look back as she directed the car to Chloe's hotel. It was really nice. The white leather seats were heated and cushioned, easily warming Alya's cold bones. The radio played the newest pop songs, most of them about previous boyfriends of the artists. The black exterior of the car, which she determined was some kind of Subaru, had no dirt or mud whatsoever. She must have just gotten it, she thought. She was nearing the hotel, which she knew had cameras outside, so she transformed before turning the corner to the garage. The man at the garage door seemed appalled that a super hero was driving, not only that, but the car of his boss's daughter. Alya nodded at the man and hopped out of the car, locking it with a button on the keys. "Mrs. Bourgeois could not drive her car home in time, and I was repaying her for assisting me in de-evilizing an akuma victim. I hope you don't mind me dropping this off?"

"N-no. Not at all." The man extended his hand, and Alya put the keys in it. Get out of there. I can't hold on much longer. I haven't eaten since your first transformation, Trixx voiced. Alya quickly thanked the butler, flew as fast as she could to her window, and fell into her bed.

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