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Alya sat in the uncomfortable chair with a wistful expression on her face, twisting the engagement ring on her finger. She wasn't used to being on the other side of the interview. It was the ten-year anniversary of the defeat of Hawkmoth, and Nadia had sought all of them out for an interview for the special occasion. Alya and Nino had been revealed the day of, Chloe the week after, and Adrien and Marinette were still riding the high road of hero secrecy. They always bragged about how they weren't bombarded everywhere they went by crazy Parisians, and Alya was kind of jealous. Her life was busy as it was with wedding planning and work. She didn't need people stopping her on the street, asking for a photo. Of course, if it made the people happy, she was always glad to oblige. If anything, she was just glad her best friend didn't have to deal with it. After all, she did already have little Hugo to worry about, and another little one in five months. "It's alright. There's nothing to be antsy about." Nino said, placing his hand over both of hers. Chloe sat on the other side of her, talking to Sabrina on the phone. She had gotten her out of Lila's clutches after high school, and actually started a mutual friendship with her. Chloe looked up and gave Alya a reassuring smile, then returned to her phone conversation. 'The interview goes live in less than a minute. Where are they?!' as if on cue with Alya's thoughts, Ladybug and Chat Noir came into the room and joined Chloe, Alya, and Nino on the large couch. Nobody knew who they were, so it was respectable to show up in costume. Nadia smiled and thanked them for coming before the tune of the broadcast began.

"Welcome viewers, and happy hero's day! As you all know, I am Nadia Chamack, and I am greeted here by five prestigious heroes! Welcome to the studio you five. How has life been treating you in the past ten years?" They all laughed together in unison, the cheery sound filling the room with bubbly energy. Alya raised her left hand, her palm facing herself, and answered by showing her ring. Nadia gasped and smiled as Nino gave Alya a quick peck on the cheek. "Do I see a Marriage?" she asked playfully.

"Two!" Chat Noir laughed, to which his wife scolded him. "And a beautiful son, of which shares the striking eyes of M'Lady." He purred.

"And soon to be a daughter." She murmured. It was so low, no one picked up on it except for Chat, who's enhanced ears allowed him to hear his wife's sentence.

"W-we're having a daughter?" tears came to the grown man's green eyes, and he hugged Ladybug. The live audience in the room exploded from the new information, taking it all in. After a few minutes everyone settled down, and Nadia was able to continue on with her questions.

"How did everything clean up so well on this day, ten years ago?" the group looked at each other, and allowed Ladybug to answer.

"Well, Hawkmoth and Mayura were stopped and held accountable for their crimes, and my lucky charm fixed two years' worth of damage to the city. We all went home and celebrated, and continue to live our lives to the fullest.

"How long are you going to protect Paris with your abilities. Since Hawkmoth is no longer a threat, will you stay much longer?" This was the most asked question by more Parisians at this point. Alya was kind of glad that it was addressed. The people should know how long they would be definitely safe.

"At some point, our miraculous must be reunited with their guardian, and we will remain regular citizens of this amazing city. But that's far down the road."

"You know, the last time I had you on Face-to-Face, you denied being a couple. It seems you lied." The live audience laughed at Nadia's commentary. "How long have you been together?"

"M'Lady became my girlfriend a month after the defeat of Hawkmoth." Marinette looked over at her husband with a scowl at the nickname in public.

"So sweet. Well, I've been requested to ask you this more times than I can count in the last fourteen years... Ladybug and Chat Noir, will you ever consider showing who you are to the people of Paris?" Nadia asked, her hands folded in her lap. She seemed pretty anxious for the answer.

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